Information regarding TECO V34 (12-APR-1979) Installation of TECO V34 on your VAX/VMS system Please be sure to (re-)install ALL of the files below every time you install TECO on your system and please be sure to (re-)read the TECO and VTEDIT help files; things do change... The files you need to install TECO V34 on your VAX/VMS system are: File destination SYS$SYSTEM:TEC.EXE;/CONTIG SYS$LIBRARY:LOCAL.TEC; SYS$LIBRARY:TECO.TEC; SYS$LIBRARY:TYPE.TEC; SYS$LIBRARY:VTEDIT.TEC; SYS$HELP:TECO.HLP; SYS$HELP:VTEDIT.HLP; SYS$HELP:VTEDIT.DOC; You can optionally use the INSTALL utility to install TEC.EXE as permanently open. You will need to add: *TECO @_TECO and *VTEDIT @_VTEDIT to the SYS$HELP:HELP.HLP file to enable help for TECO and VTEDIT. The necessary things in one's LOGIN.COM file are: TECO :== $SYS$SYSTEM:TEC TECO for command TECO MAKE :== $SYS$SYSTEM:TEC MAKE for command MAKE MUNG :== $SYS$SYSTEM:TEC MUNG for command MUNG Obviously, abbreviations like "TE :== $SYS$SYSTEM:TEC TECO", etc. can also be added. The TECO help explains adding these to one's LOGIN.COM file. When TECO starts up, it does an EITECO$. If the logical name TECO exists, it will be translated and the corresponding file used instead of TECO's built in command decoder. Else if the file TECO.TEC exists in your current default directory, it will be used. The built in command decoder is very complete; using a logical of TECO or having a TECO.TEC is not reccommended. The built in command decoder's algorithm for finding VTEDIT is (in order of preference): 1) VTEDIT.TEC in your top level (root) directory 2) SYS$LIBRARY:VTEDIT.TEC 3) punt... If a TECO.INI exists in your top level (root) directory, the built in command decoder will execute it for initialization. The TECO kit contains a sample TECO.INI that contains both humerous and useful features. It has leading comments explaining what one can easily change. Squishing it after making any changes sure makes it smaller and faster... Other TECO macros contained in the kit are: SEARCH.TEC Will search for all occurances of some list of strings, which may include TECO search argument constructs, in some, possibly wild carded, list of files. Output is either to TT: or to a file. It prompts you for each item; a null response (i.e., just carriage return) ends lists, defaults output to TT:, etc. SEARCH flags the found string by inserting a "~". You invoke SEARCH with: MUNG SEARCH LOCAL.TEC Reorders local symbol blocks. Understands .ENABL LSB, .ENABLE LSB and .DSABL LSB, .DISABLE LSB. If any .ENABLE or .DISABLE directive exists in the text buffer, all .ENABLs and .ENABLEs are converted to ".enable" and all .DSABLs and .DISABLEs are converted to ".disable". LOCAL lives in Q-register L. The numeric portion of Q-register L contains the local symbol increment value (defaulted to +10). The default starting local symbol value is 10. By typing nML (instead of just ML), you can temporarily change the starting local symbol value to n. If you type -nML, the starting local symbol value will be n and no checks for .ENABL(.ENABLE)/.DSABL(.DISABLE) will be made (whole text buffer is used). You load LOCAL into Q-register L with: EISYS$LIBRARY:LOCAL$$ SQU.TEC Squishes TECO macros. All @ are converted to , lexical spaces are removed, etc. The only conventions needed are: a) Comments are labels with a space or tab immediately following the leading "!". b) If the delimiter used in a @^Uq command is %, then the quoted string is plain text and not touched. Else the quoted string is sub-interperted as TECO macro code. Finally, there is a TECO macro that can replace the TYPE command. It is TYPE.TEC By adding TY :== $SYS$SYSTEM:TEC MUNG/NOI SYS$LIBRARY:TYPE,TYPE to your LOGIN.COM file and by putting TYPE.TEC into SYS$LIBRARY: you can implement it. Now TYPE commands abbreviated to just TY go to the macro. The macro accepts wild carded file(s) and has the following switches: /W Announce file names as the files are typed. /H Use the VT52 hold screen mode during typing. /H forces /W to be on. /T Truncate long lines (i.e., don't wrap them). /V Convert all HT, LF, VT, FF, CR to viewable (e.g., HT is converted to ) characters. /N:n Start typing at page n. /S:"string" Find string "string", then start typing. /S:"string"/N:n Find nth occurance of string "string", then start typing. /P When string "string" is found, start typing at the start of the page it is found on. [End of TECO V34 Installation notes]