[VAX81B.MUDD]AAAREADME.TXT Harvey Mudd College Submissions This is a collection of tools and subroutines that have been developed at Harvey Mudd College by students and others. The following directories are here: 1. NAMES A Macro program to display information about system users. 2. TTYIO A DEC-10 I/O emulation package, used by NAMES and others. This was not written at HMC. 3. CLIASS CLIASSIGN is a subroutine enabling DCL symbols to be assigned from a program. 4. CONTRT A control-C trap to return job infomation. 5. PASIO Subroutines to enable Pascal I/O without Pascal main program. 6. READIR A quick directory lister. 7. TABBER A tab conversion tool. 8. TRNLOG Logical name translator. 9. SRF SUSPEND, RESUME, and FORCEX, for process management. 10. SYSMGR Various system managers tools. 11. FINDALL A program to search INDEXF.SYS for all files fitting certain criteria not normally distinguishable. (i.e. between a size range or all files belonging to a certain UIC. 12. DUMPER Utility to read DEC-10 BACKUP and DEC-20 DUMPER tapes.