[VAX82A.ETAPE]AAAREADME.TXT submitted by: Mike Shefler CONSAD Research Corp. 121 N. Highland Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15206 (412) 363-5500 1. ETAPE is a general-purpose program for handling EBCDIC tapes. It allows the user to move around at will within the tape, send output to different files, specify different blocksizes and record lengths for different files on the tape, and combine multiple tape files into a single output file. The capability of writing an EBCDIC tape from an ASCII file is also included. ETAPE removes all trailing blanks from tape records after reading them. On output, records will be blank padded and blocked to create fixed length tape blocks. A switch can be set to turn off the EBCDIC translation and allow the translation (or writing) of ASCII tapes. See README.TXT for installation instructions.