WESTAT PL/I SUBROUTINE LIBRARY The WESTAT PL/I subroutine library contains functions and subroutines which are of general use to the WESTAT Computer Center community. Included are special string processing, date processing, and I/O functions which are likely to be rewritten many times as applications and system programs are implemented. Most of the functions are written in the VAX ANSI G PL/I language but a few are written in MACRO. The file WESLIB.OLB contains object modules and the file WESLIB.TLB contains entry point definitions which may be included in PL/I programs through the %INCLUDE command. For this library to be accessible to users the following logical name assignments should be included in SYSTARTUP.COM: $ ASSIGN/SYSTEM (this directory) WES$LIBRARY $ ASSIGN/SYSTEM WES$LIBRARY:WESLIB.TLB PLI$LIBRARY $ ASSIGN/SYSTEM WES$LIBRARY:WESLIB.OLB LNK$LIBRARY The help file should then be installed through $ LIBRARY/INS SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB WES$LIBRARY:WESLIB.HLP This library has been fairly well checked, but we make no guarantees. To report bugs or suggest better algorithms contact Allan Jaworski or Alan Cutler at Westat (301)-251-1500. Detailed documentation is in the help file WESLIB.HLP.