The paper presented at the DECUS symposium includes the following files: PAPER.RNO APPENDIX.RNO use DSR to process thest files into the report form. Please note that the paper includes some figures which were generated by VT100 graphics mode and screen dumped to a LA34. For your assistance the following table will direct you to the location of files which contains the sequences to generate them on a VT100 PAGE 4 : TABLE 1 > [.PAPER]TABLE1.MEM PAGE 5 : TABLE 2 > [.PAPER]TABLE2.MEM PAGE 10 : FIGURE 1 > [.EDT.HELP]KEYBOARD.HLP (EDT DIAGRAM) PAGE 12 : FIGURE 2 > SYS$HELP:EDTHELP.HLB [.EDT.HELP]KEYPADNOS.HLP PAGE 14 : FIGURE 3 > [.EDT.HELP]KEYBOARD.HLP (DSR DIAGRAM) PAGE 15 : FIGURE 4 > [.EDT.HELP]KEYBOARD.HLP (FORTRAN DIAGRAM) PAGE 17 : FIGURE 5 > [.EDT.HELP]KEYBOARD.HLP (ASCII_CODES) PAGE 19 : TABLE 3 > [.PAPER]TABLE3.MEM PAGE 20 : FIGURE 6 > [.PAPER]FIGURE6.MEM