These are the contributions of the DFW VAX LUG. For help in reaching the authors contact: John Jenkinson DFW LUG Librarian MOSTEK Corporation 1215 West Crosby Road MS 32 Carrollton, Texas 75006 The contributions: [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.CAD...] STATS from the Computer Aids to Design Department and Gary Smith. This is an improved release from [VAX82B.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.STATS] It requires the CRT package from [VAX82A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK]. [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.CAM] Line printer pictures collected over the years. [VAX83A.DFWLUG.MOSTEK.OPSPLN...] Contributions from the OPerationS PLaNning department. It includes many command procedures, utility macros, and utility routines from Kevin Klughart. [VAX83A.DFWLUG.PLACID] A CB emulator from Chris Thomas of Placid Oil. [VAX83A.DFWLUG.WESTELECT...] The long awaited EDT compatable ICE {Interactive Command Editor} and a nice reminder program from Stuart Renes of Western Electric.