[VAX83C.GE]AAAREADME.TXT AAAREADME.TXT - This file. AAAREADME.DOC - Instructions for SHOW FILE. CHANGE.CLD - Command language definition file which defines CHANGE as a DCL command. CHANGE.MAR - MACRO program to enable/disable debugger activation. MACRO.COM - Command file to build SHOW FILE using Macro assembler. MACRO.TLB - Macro sources for SHOW FILE. This file original CHECKSUM.MAR plus Bliss generated assembly language. OBJECT.OLB - Object library used to build executable image. OWNER.EXE - Executable image. SHOW.SLP - Modifications to SHOW.CLD to add SHOW FILE. Note that SHOW.CLD can be found in the VMS microfiche. SHOWFILE.HLP - Additions to SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB describing operation of SHOW FILE command. SOURCE.TLB - Bliss and macro sources for SHOW FILE. SOURCE.COM - Command file to build SHOW FILE using Bliss Compiler.