NAMELIST, Version 2: June 1984 Author: Frederick K. Knight, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 60 Garden St. Cambridge, MA 02138 Operating System: VAX/VMS Source language: VAX 11 Fortran and Macro Submitted by: Bijoy Misra Abstract: NAMELIST is a set of Fortran-callable subroutines to perform formatted I/O within the calling program and is an augmentation of the namelist submitted by Derek Rowell and Douglass Wilson of MIT. Namelist allows selective input and output of values for variables defined in the calling program. Other features include variable initialization with defaults, reading from files, access to DCL commands, on-line help, and options that can be personalized. The tape contains an AAAREADME file, all source code, a help file, a document, the object and object library, and a command procedure for updates. Contents: The files on the tape are: AAAREADME.RNO - the runoff input file for AAAREADME.TXT AAAREADME.TXT - the synopsis of namelist files NML.FOR - the Fortran code NML.DOC - the current namelist document NMLORIG.DOC - the original DECUS document NMLHLP.RNO - the runoff input file for NML.HLP NMLDOC.JOU* - the EDT script to convert NMLHLP.RNO to NMLDOC.RNO NMLDOC0.RNO* - the runoff input for the NML.DOC introduction NMLNEWDOC.COM* - the DCL script to make NML.DOC from NMLDOC.RNO NML.HLP - the help library input file NML.HLB - the namelist help library, NML$HELP NML.OBJ - the object code NML.OLB - the namelist object library, NML$LIB NML.MAR - the macro code * see also the NML$HELP topic "logical_names NML$DIR."