Forrest A. Kenney 1600 S. Eads ST. Apt. 425 N Arlington, Va 22202 Days 301-731-4100 Home 703-979-6676 8 January 1986 This directory contains a number of simple routines that provide an example of how to get UNIX CBREAK or RAW I/O using the VMS terminal driver without having to have the line set to PASTHRU all of the time. What are CBREAK and RAW I/O? Interpreting from the ULTRIX-32 manuals I have come up with the following descriptions of these terminal driver modes. In RAW mode I/O all characters are passed directly through the terminal driver to the reading process without interpretation. In CBREAK mode, the terminal driver interprets only flow control characters; typically CTRL/S and CTRL/Q. All other characters are passed directly to to the reading process as in RAW mode. See AAAREADME.DOC for more information.