The contents of this directory are software to demonstrate process recovery for the implementation of a non-optional logout command file which can not be circumvented by an unprivileged user. This software is supplied by Texas Instruments (TI) to demonstrate the principles and mechanisms presented during a session at the Spring 1986 DECUS in Dallas, Texas by Larry L. Johnson, McKinney Computer Services, Defense Systems and Electronics Group of TI. ************************************************************ !!! WARNING !!! WARNING !!! READ ALL DOCUMENTATION CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS SOFTWARE! The software supplied is the result of a feasibility study. It is not intended to be used as supplied and CONTAINS KNOWN DEFICIENCIES which make it UNSUITABLE for use as production software. The software ONLY demonstrates the feasibility of a robust logout command file activator, suggesting specific mechanisms on which a production version can be based. It is intended that this software be used as a guide by experienced VMS system programmers intimately familiar with VMS internals to build a suitable production version. ************************************************************ DIRECTORY CONTENTS The file 1_DIRECTORY_CONTENTS.TXT contains a description of the files in this directory. ************************************************************ DOCUMENTATION A copy of the feasibility report is included in this directory and must be read and understood before attempting to run the demonstration software. ************************************************************ BUILDING the DEMONSTRATION A command procedure for building the necessary images from the source is included. ************************************************************ RUNNING the DEMONSTRATION A convenient way to run the demonstration is in a spawned subprocess. The process must have CMKRNL privilege to successfully run the loader. The processes default directory should be the directory containing the logout command file activator. No attempt has been made to give this software the usual flexibility of production software (see the WARNING above). Should you wish to load the software while the default directory is other than this directory, SETUP.COM will have to be modified. Execute the following commands in the context of the process which is to have the logout command file activator loaded. $ @SETUP $ RUN LOADER The loader will merge the command file activator into the processes address space, outputting a summary message of the load, and any status messages concerning failure (if for example the process does not have CMKRNL privilege). From that point on, any image that is run will result in the output of demonstration messages at the completion of the image (user mode image rundown). DO NOT LOGOUT of the process. Rather, issue the command: $ STOP/ID=0 ISSUING the LOGOUT command will result in a NON-DELETABLE PROCESS. (You'll find the reason for this in the feasibility report). On issuing the above STOP command, the process will egress through the mechanisms of the rundown interceptor. Each significant point in the execution will be marked by a message demonstrating the flow of the mechanisms.