Academic Computing and Research Services Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, Kentucky Submitted by: Hunter Goatley WKU/ACRS Student Programmer Science & Technology Hall 110 Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101 (502) 745-4982 This is the first submission from Western Kentucky University. All of the programs for this submission were written by Hunter Goatley, except the [.COMPILE] directory, which contains a program written by James Wagoner, another student programmer here at WKU. Many of the programs here are still being modified and updated; most of the work was done over the summer of 1985. Modifications and extensions to the programs came only when I had some spare time. I think most of the programs are fairly well documented in the source files for each. The Directories > [.BACKUP] -- Programs that display our BACKUP schedule and create a command procedure to perform our backups. > [.COMMENT] -- VAX-11 PL/1 and VAX-11 Pascal Documentation packages > [.COMPILE] -- Command procedure that will compile, link, and execute a program in any VAX language. Submitted by James Wagoner. > [.COMPRESS] -- A program that converts unnecessary ASCII blanks to ASCII tabs for a specified file. > [.LOGIN] -- A MACRO32 program that replaced my LOGIN.COM (well, almost). Also a template for building new LOGIN programs. > [.MACROIO] -- Some I/O routines and macros designed to make I/O from MACRO32 easier. Page 2 > [.MAILSTUFF]-- Various programs that supplement the VMS MAIL facility, including MAILRRR, which will tell you if someone has read a message you sent. > [.SHOWS] -- Various SHOW programs, including a pretty SHOW TIME. > [.UTILS] -- Programs to kill processes by username and change the baud rate for a terminal interactively. > [.WKUMON] -- A process monitor program written in MACRO32. All of the programs are written in either DCL, VAX-11 PL/1, or MACRO32 and, as far as I know, will work on all versions of VMS (we are running v4.2). .OBJ and .EXE files have been included with the sources. Most of these programs contain ANSI escape sequences that will work only on VT100-compatible terminals. It shouldn't be hard to modify the codes to work on other terminals. I'm extremely interested in hearing what you think of these programs and would greatly appreciate any comments, suggestions for improvements, or job offers (I graduate in December of 1986!). Hunter Goatley or Hunter Goatley 224 Cardinal Drive 616 Barnes-Campbell Elizabethtown, Kentucky 42701 Western Kentucky University (502) 765-6245 Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101 (502) 745-4965 (Home address)