Ken A L Coar Office Systems General Dynamics 12101 Woodcrest Executive Drive Creve Coeur, MO 63141 (314) 851.4003 This program, LOCK, allows DCL access to the lock manager. It will handle 'most all kinds of locking EXCEPT sublocks. We have found it useful in a cluster environment to control access to such things as text files (corrdinates editing) and databases which are opened shared which shouldn't be (e.g., Message Router). Read LOCK010.MEM and the help (after installation) for a more complete description. The changes the installation will make to your system are: SYS$SYSTEM:LOCK.EXE (new image) SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE (new verb - LOCK) SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB (new module - LOCK) These are only by default; you can direct the installation procedure to use other files and areas. Good luck. #k