$ ASSIGN TXA3: KER$COMM $ KERMIT == "$ DUA0:[PRINTER_SERVER.KERMIT]KERMIT" $ TIME == "SHOW TIME" $ SPE*CIAL == "SHOW QUEUE/ALL/FULL SYS$SPECIAL" $ ON ERROR THEN GOTO 10 $ SET DEVICE/NOSPOOLED TXA3: %SET-E-NOTSET, error modifying TXA3: -CLI-E-DEVNOTSPL, device not spooled $10: $ RUN [.EXE]KILLTERM TXA3 $ ON ERROR THEN GOTO 10 $ ON WARNING THEN GOTO 10 $ ALLOCATE TXA3: %DCL-I-ALLOC, _TXA3: allocated $ ON ERROR THEN GOTO FINISHED $ ON WARNING THEN CONTINUE $ KERMIT GET QUEWRK.ZZZ VMS Kermit-32 version 3.0.051 Default terminal for transfers is: _TXA3: ER_FNF FILE NOT FOUND SY:[1,55]QUEWRK.ZZZ $ OPEN/READ/ERR=ERRQUETIME TIMER: [.LOGIN]QUETIME.DAT $ READ/END_OF_FILE=ERRQUETIME TIMER: LASTTIME $ CLOSE TIMER: $ OPEN/READ/ERR=ERRQUEWRK QWRK: QUEWRK.ZZZ $ READ/END_OF_FILE=ERRQUEWRK QWRK: QUETIME $ CLOSE QWRK: $ IF LASTTIME .EQS. F$EXTRACT(0,F$LENGTH(LASTTIME),QUETIME) THEN GOTO FINISHED $ SHOW TIME 1-OCT-1986 10:58:42 $ RUN [.EXE]GETPDPQUE Nothing to print $! or $!RUN [.EXE]GETVAXQUE $! $ RUN [.EXE]PDPFILMOVE Nothing to print $! or $!RUN [.EXE]VAXFILMOVE $! $ RUN [.EXE]PRINTFILES Nothing to print $! or $!@QUEWRK.ZZZ $! $ RUN [.EXE]PDPCLEANUP Nothing to print $! or $!RUN [.EXE]VAXCLEANUP $! $ GOTO FINISHED $FINISHED: $ KERMIT SEND [.LOGIN]GIMMEM.ORE VMS Kermit-32 version 3.0.051 Default terminal for transfers is: _TXA3: Sending: DUA0:[PRINTER_SERVER.LOGIN]GIMMEM.ORE;1 as GIMMEM.ORE [OK] %KERMIT32-F-BADPARAM, bad parameter value $!ON ERROR THEN GOTO THEEND $!SET DEVICE/SPOOLED TXA3: $! This would be good except sometimes I like to KERMIT using that $! line for something else. I just have to make sure it's not close $! to time for this job to wake up. By leaving this out, I can $! sneak in sometimes, and use TXA3: to KERMIT something to the other $! machine, without disturbing this job. $THEEND: $ SUBMIT/NOPRINT/AFTER="+:10"/QUEUE=SYS$SPECIAL [PRINTER_SERVER.COM]PRINTSERVER Job PRINTSERVER (queue SYS$SPECIAL, entry 373) holding until 1-OCT-1986 11:09 $ PURGE/KEEP=2 $ PURGE [.LOGIN] $ PURGE [.COM] PRINT_SERVER job terminated at 1-OCT-1986 10:59:23.56 Accounting information: Buffered I/O count: 201 Peak working set size: 352 Direct I/O count: 130 Peak page file size: 1052 Page faults: 2382 Mounted volumes: 0 Charged CPU time: 0 00:00:09.74 Elapsed time: 0 00:01:03.18