Iowa State University Computation Center 1987 Spring DECUS SIG tape submission AAAREADME.TXT - the file you are currently reading Note: All files are presented as is and may reflect local ISU usernames, disk names and logical name conventions. You may have to modify some or all of the *.MAR or *.COM files to run on your VAX. SYSTEMS.DIR - programs from the systems group If you have any questions on any file in the [.SYSTEMS] directory, please contact: Rodrick A. Eldridge GVROD@ISUVAX.BITNET 104 Computer Science Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011 (515) 294-7498 DELFILES.DIR - programs to delete files by directory specification and delete files by UIC specification DISK.DIR - command procedures to report free diskspace and top diskspace users EXAMPLES.DIR - programs to serve as examples for using the MLR macros ISUEDT.DIR - program to spawn DCL command as a subprocess from within EDT ISUPRTSMB.DIR - modified print symbiont used at ISU MACROS.DIR - macros for structured programming in VAX-11 Macro RNOX.DIR - program to convert runoff MEM files to LIS files to print on a Xerox 4050 printer via IBM JES2 JCL TEMPDIR.DIR - program to create temporary directory TOOLS.DIR - support routines callable from other programs ACCOUNTING.DIR - programs from the accouting group If you have any questions on any file in the [.ACCOUNTING] directory, please contact: Troy Frericks GBTRY@ISUVAX.BITNET 104 Computer Science Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50011-1040 (515) 294-1420 DISK.DIR - Disk charging program. Fix to DiskQuota values that deviate from true disk usage (resets the usage value). TOOLS.DIR - Support routines callable from other programs. UAF.DIR - Program to audit changes to the UAF along with a tool to do I/O to the UAF.