NSTL Local Users Group DECUS Spring 1987 VAX Tape Copy Submission Coordinated by: Perry Bret Wischow U. S. Naval Oceanographic Office NSTL, MS 39522 (601)-688-4131 On our system, all general purpose routines reside in GENERAL.TLB. An object library (GENERAL.OLB) is provided as a general link library. All programs and utilities should link in GENERAL.OLB. It may not be required, but... Also, the library USER$FORSYSDEF.TLB contains include modules for system macros definitions that do not currently exist in the FORTRAN definition library (SYS$LIBRARY:FORSYSDEF.TLB). Some code may have to be changed to point to the right place. The procedure COMPILE.COM is provided to aid in building some of these utilities. If there is a file with the extention .COMPILE then use COMPILE.COM to build it. The help file MISC_GRADS_ROUTINES.HLP contains all (hopefully) the help modules for all of the procedures, utilities, and subroutines in this submission. There is one exception: if when you do a $directory there is a .HLP file matching the name of a routine in that directory...then that overrides the help in MISC_GRADS_ROUTINES.HLP. Did you get that??? Description: [.ACL] This is a substitute for the EDIT/ACL, which was atrocious under VMS 4.0. It reads the ACL directly off of the file and outputs it to file to be edited by our EVE editor (PBW_EVE). [.AUTOLOG] This is the same AUTOLOG from previous DECUS VMS tapes. The differences are: a kill time of 20 minutes, when the process is terminated a message is sent to the operator console (and the operator log file) indicating the termination date/time, the user, and the image they were running. We use this to check users to see if they left their terminals open or were using the system SLEEP routine (terminal lock routine). [.EDWARDS] CLEAN_SHARED: A batch procedure to do system file maintenance. INCBK: An incremental BACKUP procedure. This is a resubmitting batch procedure. SD: Another SET DEFAULT procedure. SETACL: A set ACL procedure for those that are unfamiliar with ACL's. TRANSFER: Procedure to make files available for any one to access. [.PRTSMB] This is a full fledged modified print symbiont. It supports security labeled flag and header pages (ie. UNCLAS, CONFID, SECRET). [.TPU] This is PBW_EVE a replacement for all EDT editors. It uses various procedures from us, DEC, and submissions from previous DECUS SIG tapes. [.WISCHOW] CONVERT_MACRO_DEFS: Converts macro $xxxDEF files to FORTRAN compatible include files. EZTRAN: A fast block I/O routine. LIBEX: A quick and easy library extraction procedure. LIST_IDS: Lists all of the identifiers on a system. LIST_PRIV: Lists all of the privileges (default and authorized) of the users on a system. Useful for keeping track of who has what privilege. PRINT.COM: A companion procedure to COMPILE.COM (from previous DECUS tapes). This reads the xxxx.COMPILE file and prompts to print the file. QTIME: Gives the estimated printing time of files on a particular queue. REPLY_LOG: Closes the old and opens a new OPERATOR.LOG file from the batch mode (also in interactive). SHOWQ: Just a silly show/queue procedure that we use. SLEEP: The standard terminal locking routine. This is a FORTRAN program that inhibits command recall of the password. SLEEP_NOECHO: Same as SLEEP, only when prompted for the password, the password is not echoed as it is entered. RESTRICT: A procedure that deletes specified DCL commands from the users DCL command table at login time.