From: VAX::TAN 8-MAR-1987 08:33 To: VEVLE Subj: MAKE Make sounds great. I have finished building Supercoil for the moment and I do not expect to be programming this week. However you can be sure I will try to break Make. I love breaking programs especially somebody else's. I did try out the macro facility thus: first_string = apple second_string = digital one: write sys$output "$(first_string)" two: write sys$output "$(second_string)" However Make did not get very far. Typing $ make one, I recieved the following message: %SYSTEM-F-EXBYTLM, exceeded byte count quota %TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows module name routine name line rel PC abs PC CRESUBPROC CRESUBPROC 618 000000F6 000027BE I notice you were running Cresubproc just before a system crash on Thursday. Can I do the same? - Robert Tan