SKEDULE SKEDULE is a Batch Queue Scheduler. It is a very simple system. It's not meant to be the ultimate. It was at one time. When I first wrote it, I thought it was slicker than snot on a doorknob. It was written in BASIC-Plus on PDP RSTS, and then I transfered it to the VAX in VAX BASIC. It did the job. Les Stockton 1207 South Cheyenne Tulsa, Okla 74119 REMINDER The REMINDER system is a very simple system. It's not meant to be anything more than what it is. It utilizes VMS MAIL to send reminders of all sorts and sizes to any user listed in SYSUAF. IDLE The IDLE program is written in FORTRAN. It is for people on VAXes, that don't have alot of memory on their system. Our system is has alot of users, and very little memory. When idle, we sometimes want to keep our WATCHDOG (AUTOLOGger) from logging us out. At the same time, we don't want to hog memory that other users need. Also, we are connected to a MICOM port selector that watches the crt line. If there is no activity within 5 minutes or so, it disconnects the line. IDLE was written to purge the working set, schedule a wakeup in 5 minutes, and then go to sleep. When it wakes up, it prints a dot on the screen (this is for the MICOM), and then it repeats the process. It does this for 30 minutes, and then it commits suicide. No one should be hogging the system that long without doing something. LOGINS LOGINS (name it what you will) reads the SYSUAF file, and sorts in order by last login date/time. It creates a report called LAST_LOGIN.LIS. LAST_LOGIN This program is written in VAX BASIC. This program was modified to create the LOGINS program. LAST_LOGIN reads SYSUAF and creates a list file called LAST_LOGIN.LIS. It is in order by Username.