On the other hand, I am always glad to talk about my work. You can contact me by US Mail: D.J.Maus Fermilab P.O.Box 500 MS306 Batavia, IL 60510 or telephone: (312) 840-2431 or Bitnet: MAUS@FNALAD [DJM]0CATALOG.LIS;3 6/6 Document giving some details on contents of this submission. [DJM]COM.DIR;1 4/6 Directory of various command procedures. Electronic telephone book, invoke Authorize in any directory; define VT2xx keys; invoke editors; improved directory; info re identifier; tell what files would be purged; see who uses a command procedure; ASCII list; list of VMS docset. [DJM]LIB.DIR;1 1/3 Directory of various refernce material. [DJM]WHO.DIR;1 1/3 Directory containing the files for the WHO utility.