EvePlus 2 Abstract This is an upgrade to the EvePlus package that will extend the already powerful Eve editor based upon VMS 4.x TPU (Text Processing Utility). EvePlus provides a number of new commands to Eve, but more importantly it serves as a superb example of how to customize Eve much in the same way the EDTINI.EDT file customize the EDT editor. This specific addition adds a few new commands and also initiates a standard keyboard command assignment that should make it easier to move from one VMS system to another. Due to Eve's nature, refining and extending EvePlus and the proposed keyboard is highly desirable, yet a forum such as DECUS is needed to distribute 'the keyboard' is necessary. An internal SHIFT HELP buffer is created while the keyboard definations are being made so that it is easy to see the new assignments by hitting the SHIFT HELP key. A forward delete character is available on keypad 6, placeing the character in a seperate area than the INSERT HERE buffer. The seperate area is restore by hitting SHIFT INSERT. Delete word deletes from the current postion to the end/beginning of word and is kept in the same place as the forward delete character is saved. A ruler is quickly inserted into text to aid in counting characters and/or adjusting column alignments. Three profiles are defined; Text, Fortran, and Pascal (and others are easily added) so that rulers, margins, etc are changed together. For example, Fortran sets the right margin to 72 and the ruler is prefix with a C so if its left in by accident it is treated as a comment. A transpose last two characters command is added to help with my typing impediment. Setting left and right margins is easier by letting it default to the current column the cursor is in. Writting out files while remaining in the editor is easier by letting it default to the buffer's file name, also making it easy to update the currently edited file without exiting. A page command is added to make it easy to jump to the next form feed. When going to a line number or marker EvePlus remembers the last one that was refered to.