!+ ! Yow.Txt - A file of SITE-SPECIFIC quotes messaged out by Pandora at boottime. ! Used by tpu procedure PAND$YOW in PANDORA.TPU. ! Should be modified to fit your site's sense of humor... ! (Created by the boys down at Flaxen Labs, of course.) !- Poprocks? Spawn, Spawn, Hummingbird Sorry, this isn't Kelley. It's Mom. I think you've heard of me. Welcome to the Flaxen Tourist Information Bureau... Contrary to popular belief, we do not "turn the system off" at 11 every night... There is ablsolutely no need to change your password EVERY time you log in. "Sis UtilRoot : the official Flaxen mascot" Name: Sis UtilRoot / weight: 6.3 oz / arrived: 06-Nov-87 / color: brown "spawn off" := vt., to create a subprocess. q.v., "host up", "salmon season" "Let's go to K-Mart and ..." "...Especially yummy ala-mode" F___ed-^, K____ed-^ Bi@#* "If u want romantic read a novel, if you want me I'll be upsatirs" For a good time, sys$system:loginout.exe Jenny, for the price of a dime I can always get to you Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to? :-) ? ... You're obviously quite clever, Smiles. ... - Mom. Looks like you botched it fella!!! (the forever watching big brother) How many copies of Sys$System do you have in YOUR directory? Mingya Valley! And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon... (Harry Chapin) It's not a Bug, it's a Feature. Future Interests: count the total number of "prog1"'s there are on dja1: Miles from Nowhere Twaek, tweak! Yow! What noisy cats are we! Qwerty? Roadkill ! Programming in COBOL is the next best thing to coding in binary. Press Ctrl-s to pause, Ctrl-q to resume or Ctrl-o to skip welcome Welcome to Merrimack College's Bulletin Board... Your sysop, Greg Potamis... If you are a first time user please answer all the questions asked. <> TWNE What color are they? You have signed on 20 times. / The last message you read was 71 ... You are user number 357. There are 3 bulletins today. Last bulletin was 10-Sep-1987 Thank you for calling Merrimack College's Bulletin Board "There is elegance in simplicity." - Kimball S. Maddocks Genius Tells Doc: "Cut out my brain. I want to be a nit-wit." So bye-bye Miss American Pie... Drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry And good ol' boys drinking whisky and rye Welcome back to the age of jive Everybody talkin' about the new sound, funny, / It's still rock'n'roll to me Hot funk, cool punk, even its old junk How about a pair of pink sidewinders? And a bright orange pair of pants? Don't you know about the new fashion honey "Her hair is winter fire. January embers. / My heart burns there too." Should I try to be a straight-A student? If you are then you think too much. FOR SALE: One slightly hacked-on editor... There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold... ,dlog si srettilg taht lla erus s'ohw ydal a s'erehT "...In the midst of the word he was trying to say..." He softly and suddenly vanished away. For the Snark WAS a Boojum, you see. Real Programmers don't comment their code. FORTRAN is for pipe stress freaks and crystallography weenies. Actually, no programmers write in BASIC after the age of two. Real Programmers don't touch-type, they hunt-and-peck. We're sorry... The number you have reached is no longer in service. "New mail on node FLAXEN..." "FLAXEN (flak'sen), adj: (1)of or resembling flax. (2)pale-yellow. Also,FLAXY." " There is a park that's known 4 the face it attracts... " Paisley Park is in your heart. Come 2 the park and play with us, there aren't any rules in Paisley Park. SYNTAX SUE SYNTAX SUE SYNTAX SUE SYNTAX SUE SYNTAX SUE SYNTAX SUE SYNTAX SUE ... [The Queen said,] "Twopence a week, and jam every other day." "The rule is jam tomorrow and jam yesterday -- but never jam today." Dig if u will the picture - of u and I engaged in a kiss. Shall I wash u 1st or shall u wash me? System Dump Analysis (5-FEB-1987 14:56:45.94) ... Process executing: Flaxen_2 BOI ! Byte Operator Immediately CRN ! Convert to Roman Numerals CPPR ! Crumple Printer Paper and Rip EXPP ! Execute Political Prisoner IBP ! Insert Bug and Proceed ROPD ! Roll Over, Play Dead JOC ! Jump Off Cliff What's GNU? Gnu's Not Unix! I am not Richard Stallman, inventor of the original much-imitated EMACS editor. This is GNot EMACS. "Don't programmers deserve a reward for their creativity?" - R.M.Stallman Wombats are native Australian or Tasmanian mammals. Wombats, uses of: live -- conversation piece, alarm clock (third shift) Wombats, uses of: dead -- doormats; also, for food (see: Wombats, food) Wombats, Sexual habits: These are of interest only to other wombats. Would you want to eat a doormat that ate bark and fungus? We don't want to rain on your parade but... You're not going to eat all that butter are you? Where's the ketchup? What kind of prompt do you get whan the system crashes? But Mommy! ... I don't want to go to Palm Springs! I bet you can't break into MY inuse! Ooohhhh! A Rastette! Who was that Flaxen-clad man? Donna Do You Wanna? Default Fish? Again? Doomed to Hacker's Hell... Direct, from Moo to You! Milk anyone? What flavor? Vanilla Milk, anyone? The Revenge of GREENER! The story opens with a view of Greener in front of a VT_240 terminal... He has been placed in the hospital for old and forgotten computer hackers. "They have love but they also have typewriters..." Please feel free to contact DR. GREENER (AIN14926) at any time. Print/Invisible Set Def NL: It is a hospital for the completely mad hacker. The Saga continues... Rathberry PopTarths! Greener: "I want my lunch now, nurse, right now !!!" Nurse: "What are u talking about Mr Greener, I'm not logged on to any system..." Symbolic Stack Dump, anyone? Tell your mother that you walked all night on Velvet Green... And now a word from our sponsor... Flaxen Hackers! "Don't let the VAX bugs byte" ShutDown? What about it? I do it all the time... Whaddya mean don't turn the Macs off? Why shouldn't I? I guess it is just not part of my variable dictionary...I mean vocabulary." Awright, Good Answer! Good Answer! Is up there, Chuck? It's not Chuck! Welcome to Tom's World of Computer Know-How... Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn? [management twit] O'Reilly? O'Really? Pete the Pascal Programmer Too fruity... Did you sniff the cork, Peter..? #$*%@!->..... Zp! AST15515 Ralph of the Tiny Laughing Kitties Did you know there's absolutely nothing to do in Ohio? Noprint qualifier? What noprint qualifier? AEE14c25: Clark Kent - a mild mannered, cloaked user Use functionally cohesive modules and ALWAYS initialize your accumulators. And all that jazz... (signed) Discharged without a charge. Why come you to Carter Hall? Do you - YOU! - feel like I do?