SOFTQUOTA - A Disk Space Management Utility Submitted by: Marty Adkins VAX Support Group Westinghouse Electric Corp P.O. Box 746 MS 1615 Baltimore, Md. 21203 Presented at Spring 83 DECUS Symposium in St. Louis New Version - Submitted by: Shari Dishop VAX Support Group Westinghouse Electric Corp. P.O. Box 746 MS 1615 Baltimore, Md. 21203 Presented at Fall 87 DECUS Symposium in Anahiem This program is designed to be a work-around for the "hard" quota limit imposed by DEC's DISKQUOTA implementation. SOFTQUOTA allows a user to have a large working space during a working session, while keeping the residual disk usage at a minimum. An ISAM data file is used in this regard ([000000]SOFTQUOTA.DAT). A utility named SOFTDB is provided for the maintenance of this data base. New version offers support for clusters in SOFTQUOTA and expands the features of SOFTDB. For more information, see SOFTQUOTA.HLP, SOFTDBFUL.HLP, and SOFTDB.HLP Installation instructions are given in SOFTDBFUL.HLP.