/*+ TITLE: PINFO_REC VERSION: V1.0-001 FACILITY: WATCHER ABSTRACT: Process information record for WATCHER AUTHOR: M. Madison Copyright (c) 1988, M. Madison; all rights reserved. -*/ DECLARE 1 PINFO_REC BASED, 2 NEXT POINTER, 2 PID VMS_PROCESS_ID, 2 PROC_PRVS BIT (64) ALIGNED, 2 UIC VMS_UIC, /*+ Note that the next two values are as follows: CPU_TIME: sum of interactive process's CPU time plus children's, if any PIO_COUNT: sum of interactive BIO+DIO counts, plus children's, if any -*/ 2 CPU_TIME FIXED BINARY (31), 2 PIO_COUNT FIXED BINARY (31), 2 TIO_COUNT FIXED BINARY (31), /*+ The next field was added due to our changing the value of TIO_COUNT during the collection of other process information. -*/ 2 IGNORE_OPS FIXED BINARY (31), 2 USERNAME CHARACTER (32) VARYING, 2 TERMINAL CHARACTER (64) VARYING, 2 PHYDEVNAM CHARACTER (64) VARYING, 2 IDENTS POINTER; DECLARE 1 IDENT BASED, 2 NEXT POINTER, 2 IDENTIFIER CHARACTER (32) VARYING;