This is a collection of modifications/derivations from previous DECUS SIG tapes and programs submitted through the net. The following areas contain: ------------- ADD_LIST A routine to add entries to a library definition list. Originally for addling local .HLB files to the HELP command. RNO_TO_TEX RUNOFF source to TeX source converter. SETUP Modification of [VAX86C.FERMLIB.SETUP] to add other areas searched for SETUP.COM files. Used by all other submissions here. May be useful as a base for the Portable SIG Tape Tools effort. SUBTCOPY Creates and submits a batch job to do a TCOPY. SWING Merge of all prior SWINGs from the VAX SIG tape, plus additional single key support (PREV/NEXT SCREEN, etc) and screen updating mods. TCOPY Corrects bugs in: tape beginning with EOF, not ending with EOF-EOF. Also automatically CONTINUEs when run as a batch job.