FNAL::LIB:[LIB.SETUP]HISTORY.LOG $! $! D O C U M E N T A T I O N $! $! Usage : SETUP product ! one product $! SETUP product1,product2,product3,... ! many products $! SETUP ...,product/PAR="parameters",... ! may pass parameters $! SETUP product parameter ! single product/parameter $! 24-AUG-1988 John Edgecombe Version 2.1 Converted to CCRS placement of products -- CCRS:[product] THIRD_PARTY:[product] DECUS:[product] known in database 01 OCT 1986 A. Kreymer Version 2.02 Skipped documentation/header comments during execution Opened and closed SITE_PRODUCTS$KNOWN list for each product, to avoid reentrancy problems caused by product setups using this SETUP procedure. 23 SEP 1986 A. KREYMER Version 2.00 Installed 17 SEP 1986 A. KREYMER Added explicit test for Setup procedure file, or for entry in SITE_PRODUCTS$KNOWN.DAT, as appropriate. This permits system messages to remain unsuppressed, and speed up searching for SITE_PRODUCTS products. Private *COMMANDS logicals no longer supersede SITE_PRODUCTS entries; this permits versions to be selected for products which also have system *COMMANDS logicals defined. $! date : 26-AUG-1986 $! editor: KREYMER $! mods: Removed suppression of messages. $! Test product existence with F$SEARCH lexical. $! Allow also %X00030001 status return from Site_products. $! $! date : 25-AUG-1986 $! editor: KREYMER $! mods: Corrected placement of code to restore suppression of messages $! during setup. It would be much cleaner to not suppress $! messages, and do an active test for file existence. $! 25 AUG 1986 A. KREYMER Restored suppression of messages. This got lost in the confusion of providing multiple parameters for multiple products in multiple forms. 11 AUG 1986 A. KREYMER Revised format of .HLP to fit on screen 10 AUG 1986 A. KREYMER Version 1.11 (test) Support for multiple space separated parameters ( single product ) Placement of SITE_PRODUCTS before product_$COMMANDS $! date : 10-AUG-1986 $! editor: KREYMER $! mods: Added test for $STATUS after call to SYS_PRODUCTS $! Added support for single product setup with blank-separated $! parameter, per CDF request. $! This eliminates the need for the label product_setup_alternative $! We now support parameters in 3 modes for 4 classes of products: $! $! Parameters: single product, blank separator per CDF $! multiple product, /PAR="...." per Applications $! multiple product, /V=.... or /.... per Bison/System $! Products: @LIB:[LIB.product]SETUP $! @SITE_PRODUCTS$ROOT:[COM]SITE_PRODUCTS product $! @product_COMMANDS:SETUP $! @product$COMMANDS:SETUP $! $! date : 30-JUL-1986 $! editor: KREYMER $! mods: Added support for specification of single parameters in Bison $! Group requested format: /string, or /V=version, translating to $! /string and version respectively. $! Revised code which reduces double to single quotation marks $! Added comments thruout $! $! date : 29-APR-1986 $! editor: OSINGA $! mods: Added the capability to pass parameters to the product setup $! the format is: $! product_name_1/PAR="parameters",product_name_2,product_name_3 $! QUOTATIONS MARKS should be DOUBLED when they have to appear in $! the parameter string. $! Added handling of control_Y $! $! date : 11-FEB-1986 $! editors: GUNANAYAGAM,OSINGA,KREYMER $! mods: Added save_message, from F$ENVIRONMENT, to restore initial message $! status $! Added support for product$COMMANDS and product_COMMANDS system $! logicals $! $! date : 4-NOV-1985 $! author: OSINGA $! $!