Welcome to the comp.sources.amiga archives. Due to limited disk space, all the files have been compressed and put into shell archives. If you have problem undoing any part of this process, please let me know and We'll try to help you. We do ask that you use these archives during off-business hours when machine load averages will be lower. The sources to compress are in ~ftp/pub/compress.shar if you need them. any files ending in ".Z" are in fact compressed to save storage space and transmission time. Note that compressed files should be transferred using the "binary" mode of ftp. The people who maintain these archives are: Matthew Bradburn (afb@j.cc.purdue.edu) Pat White (ain@j.cc.purdue.edu) Brent Woods (ahh@j.cc.purdue.edu) Any question/comments/suggestions should be sent to them. In the (compressed) file 'sources.index.Z' find a comprehensive list of the files in volumes one and two, and a brief description of their contents.