I picked up the following utility from VAX Pro/DEC Pro. If you copy it to the sys$sysroot:[sysexe] and assign a system global of VTREE :== @SYS$SYSTEM:VTREE.COM with a S:rwe,o:rwed,g:re,w:re it can be used by anyone. It consists of the following three files in sub-directory [*.VTREE]. VTREE.COM VTREE.EXE VTREE.DOC To try it first in your own account use the file STREE.COM in my account. It actually gives you a graphic representation of directories/subdirectories. If you type (s)VTREE ? it will\ type the VTREE.DOC as a help document for proper syntax. Very similiar to the LD (List Directory) function of the NORTON Utilities available for the PC/XT/AT's. We find it very helpfull on occasion instead of typing DIR *.dir for a list of our own subdirectories. The source is also included as VTREE.PAS. Any ?'s please give me a call. Hope you find it useful also. Regards, Joe Kilmer Node mail address - ACSLSR::KILMER Dialcomm 255-3331 or Telecomm (607)770-3331