Space Telescope Science Institute ABSTRACTS F I L E L I S T I N G -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************* * C O M F I L E S * ******************* MAILUAF.COM modified sys$ to change users mail counters and personal name, view their mail directory and list all forwarding addresses and personal names. Regrettably, it's written for VMS V4.X -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***************************** * L O G G E R U P T I M E * ***************************** Makes a log of system uptime, reason for crash. At the end of the month, a report is produced showing number of crashes and shutdowns, average time to reboot on both and amount of business downtime. This is version 2.0 with bugfixes and enhancements -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************** * M O N _ R E P O R T * *********************** Works off DEC software in sys$examples MONITOR.COM, MONSUM.COM and SUBMON.COM to create monitor stats for your machine. Data is then automatically plotted weekly using DISPLAA. (NB if you don't have DISPLAA, this will at least gather and massage the raw data into form.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************* * S U B S C R I B * ******************* Creates listing of who has how many blocks on each disk to see if disk is over-subscribed and why. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *************************** * V W S _ G R A P H I C S * *************************** Neat graphic tricks for Vax Workstations.