From: RTPUX1::RTPUX1::"MCNC!DECWRL.DEC.COM!SIMPACT!JEH@RTPARK.GE.COM" 8-JUL-1989 07:42 To: Subj: Re: Forcing an address Bob Hassinger asks... > Right now, even if I give an explicit address like frog!postmaster the message > gets routed by the mailer all the way around via another neighbor (ccavax). > In fact this is the routing that is currently in PATHS. for frog. > > Currently frog is in my SYSTEMS. and I have tried adding it to my u.lmrc map > data (and remaking PATHS.) but to avoid routing mail other mail via frog > automatically, I set frog to WEEKLY vs the DEMAND and DIRECT I have for my > other two neighbors. As a result PATHS. did not change and messages addressed > to frog still seem to be routed to them via ccavax. > > How can I test this new connection without risking having other mail I send > routed through them? > Pathalias supports the notion of "terminal links". If you put angle brackets around frog's name in your map entry, pathalias will not use frog as a way to get to anyplace else, but will happily generate routes where frog is the "end node" (to borrow DECnet terminology). Your u.lmrc file might then look like lmrc (DIRECT), ... I tried this a while back and unless someone broke it in the meantime, it should still work. --- Jamie