Revision VS0059 DATATRIEVE / 4GL SIG Library collection Version: Spring 1990 Author: Members of the DTR/4GL SIG Submitted by: Bart Z. Lederman, System Resources Corp., c/o DOT Transportation Systems Center DTS-66 Cambridge, MA 02142 Operating System: VAX/VMS V4.7 through V5.3, RSX-11M-Plus V2.1, P/OS V2.0. Source Language: DATATRIEVE, FORTRAN, BASIC, C, MACRO-32, RALLY, ACCENT-R. Software Required: Most portions require only DATATRIEVE, ACCENT-R or RALLY as is appropriate: some portions require Macro-32, FORTRAN, BASIC, or C. Keywords: ACCENT-R, ALL-IN-1, DATATRIEVE, Graphics, RALLY, System Accounting - VMS, System Management - VMS. Abstract: This is a combined effort by the Datatrieve / Fourth Generation Languages SIG to produce a library of items related to or using DATATRIEVE, RALLY, or ACCENT-R. (** indicates new material for Spring 1990) [.ACCENT-R] ** This contains four files of ACCENT-R material, collected by Winston Tellis, the SIG's ACCENT-R User Group Liason. (Two new files for Spring 1990). [.DATATRIEVE] ** [.ALL-IN-1] ALL-IN-1 Mostly V2.0 to .2 definitions, with the PROFILE definition for V2.3 by Pat Scopelliti [.CORPHONE] Corporate Telephone Directory (like A1) ** [.DCL] Command procedures which help with Datatrieve, including one to extract all CDD dictionary notes into separately named files using Datatrieve. ** [.FUNCTIONS] DTR functions. New functions include calling VMS Help libraries, SOUNDEX, swapping binary byte orders (for foreign tapes), extracting only digits or only printing characters from strings, and a .HLP file which can be added to Datatrieve help. [.MAGIC] some programs from Magic sessions [.PLOTS] extra DTR plots [.RECALL] program demonstrating DTR call interface [.RSX_ACCOUNTING] read accounting with DTR ** [.SCOPELLITI] DTR functions supplied by Pat Scopelliti of Corning, including: FN$ASIN, FN$ACOS, FN$ATAND, FN$GET_SYMBOL, FN$SET_SYMBOL, and functions to get device information, usernames, DECnet node numbers, etc. ** [.SWAN] submission from David M. Swan including a Datatrieve Forms Interface (substitute for FMS), a menu driver for Datatrieve, a banner program which demonstrates the technique of full CLI parsing from a foreign command, and the text of two of his magic sessions. ** [.SYSMGR] VAX system management with DTR. SYSUAF record definition updated. [.GENERAL] Below this are sections which are of general interest: [.ACCOUNTING] program to convert VMS Accounting records [.NEWSLETTERS] machine-readable copies of past newsletters ** much of Volume 9 and all of Volume 10 has been added by Steve Cordiviola. [.SESSIONS] transcripts of Symposia sessions. [.RALLY] [.DATE_FORMATTING] 'universal' date format handler ** [.EVE] Make the EVE editor keypad look like the Rally internal editor. [.EXTERNAL_LINK] how to call system functions particularly DCL / LIB$SPAWN. [.SIXEL] Don Stern's program to convert ReGIS to SIXEL lets you print DTR or other graphs on LN03 and other DEC printers. Changes and Improvements: EVE editor to emulate Rally, FMS replacement, ALL-IN-1 V2.3 profile, revised SYSUAF record, VMS Help library access and other new Datatrieve functions, more ACCENT-R material, more newsletters. B. Z. Lederman DTR/4GL SIG Library Representative