[ERSKINE]RALLY_TPU$COMMAND.TXT Laura Erskine Unisys (Cambridge) How to set up key definitions for the EVE editor to match the WPS key definitions in RALLY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I originally was introduced to the VAX world by using RALLY. I did a lot of editing in the RALLY development environment which has it's own special set of defined keys to do editing. So I am very use to the RALLY key definitions. When I did start to use the EVE editor I was constantly hitting the PF2 key to scroll. Instead of scrolling I would get the HELP keypad diagram. Many other keys I hit would cause similar problems. This is why I decided to set up the EVE editor to use RALLY key definitions. Below is a copy of my EVE startup command file. This command file will automatically set you up with my RALLY key definitions (similar to WPS). You may type 'set keypad edt' etc. to change the keypad. Then if you want to go back to the RALLY keypad type 'set keypad rally'. I would like to thank Bart Z. Lederman ( System Resources Corp ) for all his aid in implementing the command file and also for prompting me to write this article.