[.DCL] DELTREE.COM - DCL command procedure to recursively delete the named directory and all of it's subdirectories. ROT13.TPU - A small TPU function to go along with Ted Nieland's EDTPlus editor. Use like the changecase function but will ROT13 the text for use in ANU-NEWS. [.MORIA] This is MORIA 5.0 for VMS that resides on kukulcan.Berkeley.EDU (IP number It is a modification to the MORIA 4.8 game that appeared on DECUS tapes a few years back. This is the README file from the directory /pub/wilson directory on kukulcan: "contains VMS/Pascal sources for the original game developed by Robert Koeneke at Univ. Oklahoma, and a later VMS version developed at Univ. Buffalo" I did a little more work on the program. The executable, objects, and sources are included here. [.RAY-TRACING.QRT] This is a VMS port of the QRT 1.5 ray tracing program for the Amiga. It will produce IFF ray-traced pictures from a set of english-type commands. I ported this to VMS as I was tired of waiting 1 hour or better for every picture to be rendered. Running this on a MicroVAX 3600 took about 10 minutes for the same picture. I don't have a viewer included as I sent the pictures back to my Amiga to be viewed and used one of those viewers. [Editor's note: Note the file [.gce90a.net90a]iff2sixel121.uue is a conversion utility for IFF images that produces sixels. It can be run on VMS as well as on Amiga.] I have included the source and docs in ZOO form to reduce space. The executables are present and an object library is present for relinking. There are also examples of inputs and some example command procedures to run the programs. NOTE: The RAY2 program that is mentioned in this submission is the same program that DBW below uses. For that reason I have included only one copy in the [.DBW] subdirectory. [.RAY-TRACING.DBW] This is a VMS port of the DBW-render ray tracing package for the Amiga. Like QRT, I wanted a faster way to produce ray-traced pictures. Viewer is not included in this submission as well. I have included the source and docs in ZOO form to reduce space. The executables are present and an object library is present for relinking. There are also examples of inputs and some example command procedures to run the programs. [.SYMBOLS] Have you ever tried to remember what that symbol was you needed for that SMG call? How about what value is returned for a CPU type for an 8600? You have a return code from a routine and you can't remember what it means? I was having the same problems. A co-worker came up with this program and I cleaned it up to submit it to DECUS. It will produce a listing of all symbols found for your system ordered by name or value. There are 8 files in this directory. AAAREADME.TXT - The file you are reading. SYMBOLS.COM - Command procedure I use to produce a new listing everytime I update versions of VMS. EXTRACT_MACRO.FOR - FORTRAN program to extract the macro definitions from the macro libraries in SYS$LIBRARY. EXTRACT_MACRO.EXE - Executable for above. EXTRACT_MACRO.OBJ - Object file for above. SYMBOLS2.FOR - FORTRAN program to actually produce the listings. SYMBOLS2.EXE - Executable for above. SYMBOLS2.OBJ - Object file for above. The listings the program will produce have an index at the top and bottom of each page showing the first and last symbol on that page sort of like a dictionary has. The version of VMS and the type of listing is also included on each page. Further, the version of VMS is also part of the name of the listing. When I ran the program under VMS V5.1, I got the following two files: SYMNAM_V51.LIS - Symbols ordered by name. SYMVAL_V51.LIS - Symbols ordered by value. The listings are large. Expect the two files to total 4000 blocks or more. There are numerous temporary file that are produced along the way but hopefully I delete them just after they are needed to reduce the overall need for diskspace. I first started running this program on VMS 3.x so it is backward compatable. The executables were linked under VMS V5.1. Earle Ake Science Applications Intl. Corp. 1321 Research Park Drive Dayton, Ohio 45432 Internet: ake%dayton.saic.com@uunet.uu.net UUCP: dayvb!ake