[.access_check] This submission consists of a shareable image which contains a number of user-written system services. There is also a top-level program in C which exercises ONE of those system services. The purpose of 4 of the system services is to determine access to (and existence of) a specified disk file. This is similar to the VAX C RTL function chk_access, but works in the presence of ACL's. It is also possible to check access on behalf of another user. The kind of access is specified either as a unix/VAX C 'mode' or as a VMS access mask. (The main difference is that VMS makes a difference between WRITE and DELETE access.) The 5th system service retrieves the active rightslist (as opposed to the authorized rights) of the current process. [.dynident] DYNIDENT is a program written in VAX C which is used to allow non-privileged users to grant/revoke certain rights identifiers. DYNIDENT_300.C contains the complete source. The object needs only be linked with sys$library:vaxcrtl. DYNIDENT.DOC contains most of the documentation, but DYNIDENT_300.C also contains significant documentation, including ideas on how to improve/replace the program if you find it too slow. DYNIDENT.DOC contains info on the privileges with which the executable should be installed. DYNIDENT.ABSTRACT is the abstract for the DECUS library catalog and is recommended reading for prospective users. If you do modify this program, or write a better one that performs a similar purpose, please submit the modified/better program to DECUS! Erik Basilier, Motorola, Inc.