From: CRDGW2::CRDGW2::MRGATE::"SMTP::CRVAX.SRI.COM::RELAY-INFO-VAX" 15-SEP-1990 04:23:05.81 To: MRGATE::"ARISIA::EVERHART" CC: Subj: GNU EMACS/VMS Updates Received: by (5.57/GE 1.73) id AA02215; Sat, 15 Sep 90 02:24:12 EDT Received: From ADDVAX.LLNL.GOV by CRVAX.SRI.COM with TCP; Fri, 14 SEP 90 13:21:50 PDT Date: Fri, 14 Sep 90 13:16 PDT From: "Hal R. Brand, LLnL, 415-422-6312" Subject: GNU EMACS/VMS Updates To: info-vax@sri.COM Message-Id: <> X-Envelope-To: info-vax@sri.COM X-Vms-To: in%"" For those interested in GNU EMACS, the version I make available on ADDVAX.LLNL.GOV via anonymous ftp has just been upgraded to better support DIRED and the C-x C-d (list-directory) functions in that they don't hang on bad directory specs anymore. It has also be enhanced to support both SENDMAIL and RMAIL. All these changes require the new VMSFNS.C, so a re-compile, re-link, and re-build is necessary (along with the normal byte-compiling of the new .EL files)! Please be aware that this software has only been tested by myself and could result in lost e-mail. For those (smart) people who don't trust things, you can modify the (new) file [EMACS.ETC}VMSMAIL2MBOX.COM and remove the DELETE/ALL command just below the EXTR/ALL command in the list of MAIL commands. You will, of course, then have to manually delete those messages from your MAIL folder. Also, the SENDMAIL function doesn't support the CC: field as I have not yet been able to find a reasonable way to make this work since DCL doesn't support any way to set the CC field from the command line, and CC prompting by MAIL may or may not be enabled. But, the use of aliases in a SYS$LOGIN:.MAILRC file does work. Hal Brand P.S. This was sent using GNU EMACS SENDMAIL.