Nachfolgend habe ich meine Informationen, die ich bisher über das Mail-11 Protokoll gesammelt habe, für all Interessierten einmal zusammengestellt. MfG Herbert Hanewinkel Bitnet: hanewink@dm0mpb51.bitnet EAN/X.400: PSI: 45890040015::hanewinkel -----snip----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip-----snip---- Erweiterung des VMSmail utilities über das DECnet Mail Interface (Mail-11) Herbert Hanewinkel Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie D-8033 Martinsried 1. Das VMSmail utility unterscheidet intern zwei Betriebsarten, je nachdem ob es lokal oder als "network-server" akiviert wird. Zur Kommunikation über DECnet verwendet mail dabei ein relativ einfaches Protokoll. Dieses DECnet-mail Protokoll (MAIL-11) wurde zur Erweiterung des VMSmail auch in die foreign mail protocol Syntax eingebunden. So sucht VMSmail bei einer Adressspezifikation der Form prot%address zuerst nach einem logischen Namen MAIL$PROTOCOL_PROT und erst dann nach einem sharable Image SYS$SHARE:PROT_MAILSHR.EXE Falls der logische Name MAIL$PROTOCOL_PROT existiert wird dort die Spezifikation eines DECnet-Objects mit einem vorangestellten %-Zeichen erwartet. Mail unterhält sich mit diesem DECnet-Object wie mit einem mail-utility auf einem remote VMS System. Ankommend kann das mail utility als DECnet-Object 27 aktiviert werden und damit können über das gleiche Protokoll auch "fremde" (nicht VMS) messages über das VMSmail ausgeliefert werden. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. (aus: The NJE MAIL BRIDGE between VAX VMS and IBM VM/CMS Appendix A. John Osudar, Science Applications, Inc. 1983) The following is a summary of the protocol used by VMSmail to communicate with a remote slave mail over a DECnet logical link. This summary has been pput together from observations and experiments, and therefore is not guaranteed to be either complete or completly accurate. local mail slave mail ---------- ---------- send SENDERNAME send ADDRESSEE 1 send success (+1) if valid addressee; send failure (low bit = 0) otherwise, followed by an error message text and another status line send ADDRESSEE 2 (same as for first addressee above) ... ... send ADDRESSEE n (same as for first addressee above) send a null byte to signal end send "To:" line send subject line send first text line ... send last text line send a null byte to signal end for each valid addressee: send success (+1) if message delivered; send failure (low bit = 0) if failed ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. ( nach Informationen über INFO-VAX von Mike Kimura, Hughes Aircraft Company) When delivering mail via DECnet using Mail-11 protocol, VMS MAIL uses non-transparent task-to-task communication which enables MAIL to send and receive a NCB (Network Connect Block) from the remote server. MAIL puts configuration data in the NCB to tell the server what operations and modes it would like to use. The server must send back a modified NCB to indicate what operations and modes it is capable of performing. VMS MAIL assigns a channel with a mailbox to "_NET:" and issues a $QIO(IO$_ACCESS) to the remote node using a NCB in the following format: node::"MAIL=/<0 pad>" is a word of 0's is the length of the configuration data is the configuration data <0 pad> padded to 17 bytes (including byte count) the remote server translates the logical name "SYS$NET" to read the NCB, the NCB will look similar to: node::"0=/<2 byte link#>" it assigns a channel with a mailbox to "_NET:" and sends back a modified NCB indicating which operations requested can be processed by the server (this NCB is sent back using $QIO(IO$_ACCESS) and will be read by the requestor in it's mailbox). The configuration data looks like the following for VMS MAIL 4.4 /*+ /*Configuration data passed/read from remote node /*- cnf_b_version /*Mail-11 protocol version cnf_c_vers = 3 cnf_b_eco /*Mail-11 protocol ECO level cnf_c_eco = 0 cnf_b_custeco /*Mail-11 protocol Customer ECO cnf_b_os /*Operating system number cnf_c_vaxvms = 7 cnf_l_options /*Send "receiving user notified msgs" cnf_l_iomode /*Message send/receive mode cnf_v_blksend /* Sender wants to send in block mode cnf_v_blkrecv /* Receiver will accept block mode cnf_v_pfxsend /* Sender wants to add node name cnf_v_pfxrecv /* Receiver will let sender do it cnf_v_ccsend /* Sender wants to send CC field cnf_v_ccrecv /* Receiver will accept CC field cnf_b_rfm /*Message record format cnf_b_rat /*Message record attributes cnf_b_spare1 /*Spare byte cnf_b_spare2 /*Spare byte cnf_c_length = 16 /*Length of above cnf_ structure For VAX/VMS Version 5.x, VMS MAIL sets cnf_c_eco to 1, and it will set the bit cnf_v_ccsend in cnf_l_iomode to indicate that it wants to send the CC field. A VAX/VMS Version 4.4 VMS MAIL server will gladly receive the CC field and will set the cnf_v_ccrecv bit on to indicate so. The support for CC lines was already built into the VMS MAIL as of VAX/VMS Version 4.4 (possibly before) which you can see for yourself by sending a message from a 5.x node to a 4.x node and specifying a CC. The "CC:" line will show up on the message on the 4.x node. The "CC:" line is transmitted after the "To:" line but _ONLY_ if the server has sent a NCB back to the requester using non-transparent task-to-task communication that indicates the server can handle a "CC:" line. If you use transparent task-to-task communication, an empty NCB will be transmitted back and the requester will not send the "CC:" line. VMS MAIL will use block mode if you send a file but _ONLY_ if the server is using non-transparent task-to-task communication since it requires the NCB to have the cnf_v_blkrecv bit set to indicate that the server can use block mode. Therefore, a full function Mail-11 protocol mailer _MUST_ use non-transparent task-to-task communication. Using transparent task-to-task operation by simply using an RMS open on "::MAIL=" (requestor) or SYS$NET (server) will result in a mailer that can not use block mode and that can not send/receive the CC field. This information was determined from the VAX/VMS V4.4 micro-fiche. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Beispiel: Ein Beispiel in DCL, das wir hier verwenden um messages aus dem VMSmail über unsere eigene RSCS Emulation ins Bitnet abzuschicken. $ mcr ncp set object mail2gm number 0 file mpi:[network] $ define /system MAIL$PROTOCOL_GMAIL "%0::task=""mail2gm""" Mit diesen Kommandos wird die nachfolgende DCL-Prozedur als foreign protocol GMAIL% definiert. $! $! $ set noon $ null = "0" $ null[0,8]= %X0 $ eins = "1" $ eins[0,8]= %X1 $ temp = f$cvtime(,,"DAY")+f$cvtime(,,"TIME")-":"-":"-"." $! $ on error then goto errex $ open /write net sys$net ! open the link $ read net sender $la: $ k = f$locate("::", sender) $ if k .eqs. f$length(sender) then goto le $ sender = f$extract(k + 2, f$length(sender) , sender) $le: $ sender = f$extract(0, f$locate("""", sender), sender) $ from_user_full == f$edit(sender, "TRIM") $! $ i = 0 $rec_loop: $ read /error=rec_end net receiver'i' $ if f$extract(0,1,receiver'i') .eqs. null then goto rec_end $ write net eins $ i = i + 1 $ goto rec_loop $rec_end: $! $ read net to $ read net subject $! $ open /write fd mail_'temp'.txt $! $text_loop: $ read /err=text_end net text $ if f$extract(0,1,text) .eqs. null .and. f$length(text) .eq. 1 then - goto text_end $ write fd text $ goto text_loop $text_end: $! $ close fd $! $ NJE == "@MPI:[network.rscs.programs]njepunch" $ GMAIL == "@MPI:[]gmail %" $ define gmail_flag_confirm "0" $! $ j = 0 $ack_loop: $ r = receiver'j' $ on error then continue $ gmail /noself /subject="''subject'" mail_'temp' "''r'" $ write net eins $ j = j + 1 $ if j .lt. i then goto ack_loop $! $ close net $! $ dele mail_'temp'.txt; $ exit 1 $! $errex: $ close fd $ close net $ dele mail_'temp'.txt; $ exit 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Die Möglichkeiten mit "nontransparent task-to-task communication" habe ich bisher nur auf unserer CONVEX mit UNIX in einem mail-Interface für deren DECnet Emulation (COVUEnet) eingesetzt. Es funktioniert wie oben beschrieben sowohl mit VMS 4.x und VMS 5.0 Systemen.