Revision VS0059 Fourth Generation Languages SIG Library Collection Version: Spring 1991 Author: Members of the 4GL SIG Submitted by: Bart Z. Lederman, System Resources Corp., c/o DOT Transportation Systems Center 55 Broadway DTS-66 Cambridge, MA 02142-1093 Abstract: This is a combined effort by the Fourth Generation Languages SIG to produce a library of items related to or using DATATRIEVE, RALLY, or ACCENT-R. To save space on the VAX / L&T SIG Tapes at the request of their tape coordinators, only (mostly) new material for Spring 1991 is included here. [.GENERAL] Below this are sections which are of general interest: [.4GL_COMPARISON] Below this are directories containing some of the 4GL Comparison Panel / Problem session entries for Fall 1990 [.NEWSLETTERS] machine-readable copies of past newsletters Some additional newsletters from 1990 have been added, plus two newsletters in Interleaf format from Steve Cordiviola.