From: MERC::"uunet!WKUVX1.BITNET!goathunter" 24-APR-1992 17:03:32.36 To: fsupdate@WKUVX1.BITNET CC: Subj: WKUVX1 FILESERV additions: NOTICE and DX I have added the following packages to the WKUVX1 FILESERV. Instructions for getting them are included at the end of this message. NOTICE - A system for announcing notices upon login. We used to type out a text file containing announcements when users logged in. This got to be a royal pain after they'd seen the announcement(s) a few times. I wanted to be able to notify users of most announcements only once; BULLETIN could provide this function, but it was way too slow for my purposes. I hadn't found anything else that did what I wanted, so I (naturally) wrote my own, called NOTICE. NOTICE uses a text library to store notices. When NOTICE is run from SYLOGIN, it compares the user's last interactive login time with the insertion date of the modules in the NOTICE library. If a notice has been added since the user last logged in, he/she is notified with a display like the following: NOTICE topics. Type NOTICE for more information. Topic Date Description --------- ----------- ----------- FINALS 24-APR-1992 Hours for ACRS labs during Finals Week In this example, users would then type NOTICE FINALS to get more information about the finals hours. They can also use NOTICE/LIST to see old notices still in the library. ---------------- DX (Directory eXtension v2.3) DX is yet another VAX/VMS utility that performs many file operations on a VT-type terminal. It can be used to delete, edit, or rename files in the current directory. DX can also create a hardcopy listing of all the files displayed. DX was written by Chau-Kuang Hung ( He started posting it to comp.os.vms last week, but the whole thing didn't make it. Even though this competes with my own FLIST, I decided to make it available from my file server. 8-) FEATURES o Flexible display and sorting o Pull-down menu for point-and-shoot interface o Display sub-directories and directory contents with flexible "filters" o Multiple inclusion/exclusion patterns in file operations o Multiple windows provides different views o Display a tree-like directory structure in a scrollable window ---------------------- The packages are available via anonymous ftp from [] in directory [.MACRO32.SAVESETS]. You will need LZDCMP.EXE in [.MACRO32] to decompress the BACKUP savesets. The files are NOTICE.BCK_Z and DX.BCK_Z. *IF YOU CAN FTP THEM, PLEASE DO SO---DX IS RATHER LARGE* NOTICE and DX can be retrieved via e-mail by sending the following commands in the *body* of a mail message to FILESERV@WKUVX1.BITNET: SEND NOTICE SEND DX SEND FILESERV_TOOLS If you want DX, you must also have the FILESERV_TOOLS to get LDZCMP and MFTU. If you picked up the Supervisor Series that way, you'll already have them. For a listing of *all* the packages available from FILESERV@WKUVX1.BITNET, send the command DIR ALL in a mail message to FILESERV. (And if you have trouble reaching WKUVX1.BITNET, try your nearest gateway. For example, try Hunter ------ Hunter Goatley, VMS Systems Programmer, Western Kentucky University goathunter@WKUVX1.BITNET, 502-745-5251