It is possible to automatically have messages from a news group be fed into a real folder, and visa versa. This allows BULLETIN messages to be shared with a news group, thus giving access to such messages to people who do not have access to BULLETIN. This can also be combined with email access for people who have neither BULLETIN nor news group access. To associate a folder with a news group, place the name of the news group into the folder description surrounded by <>, i.e. . It must be in lower case. (Other text is allowed in the description, i.e. "THIS IS A TEST FOLDER ".) When messages are added the folder, they are also sent to the news group, and new messages from the group are posted to the folder (via the BULLCP process which wakes up on a periodic basis). Whenever you modify the folder description and specify the news group name, you will be prompted as to whether you want to initializee the news group counter to either load all the messages present in the news group, or to load only news messages that appear there. Messages posted to the news group from such a folder have a special line in their header indicating they were sent from that node using bulletin. When bulletin feeds new postings back to the folder, it will see that header line and also see that it was posted from that node, and thus will avoid adding it to the folder (and thus creating a duplicate message). Note that messages are added to the news group via the BULLCP process, so they will not appear immediately after being added to the folder. If you are modifying an existing folder to make it associated with a news group, and if you want to copy any existing messages in the folder to the news group, you can do that by using the command COPY/ORIGINAL/LOCAL and specifying the news group as the destination. /ORIGINAL will cause the original owner names and dates to be preserved (note, however, that dates older than 14 days in the past are not usually accepted by the news server, so dates older than that will be changed to the present date). /LOCAL will create the special header line in the messages to prevent BULLCP from adding those messages back to the folder from the news group. /ALL can be specified to copy all the messages in the folder. If you create a remote folder that points to a folder that has a news group associated with it, you do not have to specify the news group in the description of the remote node. However, on the node on which the folder actually exists, the news group has be a stored news group, i.e. you must issue the command SET NEWS/STORED for that news group. When a news group is specified for a folder, it is still possible to associate an email address for the messages to be sent to in the folder description. You do this by using [] to enclose the address rather than the usual <>, i.e. [] See help in BULLETIN on the command CREATE/DESCRIPTION for more info about associated email addresses. Note that these features allow you to create a full gateway between a news group and a mailing list.