#!/bin/bash # lsla - LOGZip Secure Logfile Archiver (c) April 1999 by Mixter # http://members.xoom.com/i0wnu # This will archive and encrypt your logfiles in a secure way. # Compatible linux platforms: RedHat, Debian, Slackware, Caldera # REQUIRES: pkzip (ftp://ftp.pkware.com), srm (http://r3wt.base.org) # Tip: "30 4 * * * root /path/to/lsla >/dev/null 2>/dev/null" into /etc/crontab # Change the password pass=fubar logfile=/var/lib/logarchive.status echo "archiving log files..."|logger cd /var/log mkdir zip >/dev/null 2>/dev/null logzip=logs-`date|awk '{print $1$2$3}'` echo `date` >> $logfile for z in . `echo */` ; do cd /var/log cd $z # This can procude some file not found's, but it works for a in `ls *.?` do x=$a`stat $a|tail -1|awk '{print "-"$2$3$4}'` mv $a /var/log/zip/$x echo $a >> $logfile done done cd /var/log/zip pkzip -add -pass=$pass $logzip chattr +i *.zip echo "wiping log files..."|logger srm /var/log/zip/*.* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null echo "archiving done, created $logzip"|logger # Gr33tz to: all lame feds out there :P