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The browser is already authenticated, and if the bank has not taken steps to protect against this kind of trickery, money will be transferred to MY.ACCOUNT. * Does the web site contain protection against Client Side Trojans? Protective measures include making sure that the action the user takes is an action that our web site, and not some nasty guy, offered him to do. (Using some kind of "tickets" may do the trick: Associate an offer to do something with a ticket, and also store the ticket in the user's session. If tickets match, we know that _we_ gave the offer.) Lack of Authorization Tests --------------------------- Developers tend to be good at authenticating users, but they often forget to check that users are allowed to do what they attempt to do. * Does every action in the application start with an authorization test? It should. * Authorization often needs to be repeated: A bank offering a user to select one of his accounts for viewing, will first check what accounts this user is supposed to see, and create a web page that lets the user select one of them. When the user selects one, the bank will have to test again, to make sure the user didn't change the valid accounts on his side. (Of course, a better measure is to not pass account numbers from the client side at all, but rely on values in the session object, and let the client side pass pointers to these values.) False Security -------------- Developers tend not to understand security very well, as it is seldom a part of our education (at least in Norway. If security is at all included, it typically is about firewalls and encryption.) * Are security measures left to the client side? Using JavaScript for input validation is common, but stupid. * Is the Referer header used for security? * Are IP addresses used for authentication? * Is encrypted input (eg. credit card numbers over HTTPS) later passed in the clear (eg. credit card numbers in a confirmation E-mail)? * How are users' password stored in the database? Surprisingly many developers do not know that clear text passwords are bad, and that they are, in fact, not needed at all. Sverre. -- shh@thathost.com Try my Nerd Quiz at http://shh.thathost.com/ http://nerdquiz.thathost.com/ Privacy Statement Copyright © 1999-2001 SecurityFocus [Image]