What is *SAMBA*? *SAMBA* is an open source suite of programs for communicating over the Microsoft NETBIOS protocols on TCP/IP. It was developed originally by Andrew Tridgell who is still active in guiding *SAMBA's* evolution. For more information about *SAMBA*, see HTTP://WWW.*SAMBA*.ORG Licensing for *SAMBA* is covered under the GNU Public License. The *SAMBA*-*VMS* home page is currently at: http://www.ifn.ing.tu-bs.de/ifn/sonst/*samba*-*vms*.html It is maintained by Eckart Meyer, who is responsible for the majority of the *SAMBA*-*VMS* port. With out the hard work of Eckart Meyer, there probably would not be a *SAMBA*-*VMS* port. A port of *SAMBA* 2.0.6 is available on the OpenVMS Freeware CD-ROM. It's location is: http://www.openvms.compaq.com/freeware/FREEWARE50/*SAMBA*/ It requires a helper library: http://www.openvms.compaq.com/freeware/FREEWARE50/FRONTPORT/ Present here is Samba V 2.2.8a for VMS and unix sources for V3.0 beta3 and some other bits.