DJE Systems OpenVMS Freeware Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Legal Stuff <#legal> UNZIP and ZIP for OpenVMS <#zipunzip> (VAX and Alpha) Port Print Facility - V1.2 <#ppf012> (VAX and Alpha) Logical Disk Driver <#lddrvr> (VAX and Alpha, Digi Customers need this!) Queue Utilities <#qu_utils> (VAX and Alpha) UCX LPD Startup <#lpdstup> (VAX and Alpha) Print Queue Set-UP <#pq> (VAX and Alpha) DOS Commands for OpenVMS <#vms_dos> (VAX and Alpha) ADDUSER Procedure <#ad_user> (VAX and Alpha) Daily/Weekly/Month/Yearly Batch Job Driver <#dailydrv> (VAX and Alpha) Free Disk Space Display <#freedisk> (VAX and Alpha) Moving System Roots, Consolidating System Disks <#moveroot> (VAX and Alpha) Split and Re-join .ZIP Archives <#zipsplit> (VAX and Alpha) DJE Systems Links <#djelinks> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ These files are "freeware" - that is, free software that you can use, abuse, modify, copy, re-distribute, ... Notice, however, that this means that there is NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND and NO SUPPORT - you are entirely on your own. Use these files at your own risk! All freeware files are provided as compressed .ZIP archives. You'll need the freeware UNZIP for OpenVMS. You can get UNZIP <../unzip.html> and ZIP <../zip.html> for OpenVMS right here on the DJE Systems site. You can also get them for OpenVMS from Hunter Goatley's FILESERV site, and for any supported platform (including FreeBSD, DOS and Windows) from the InfoZip "home" site. A "README" file is provided in each freeware archive to explain the contents and how to use each one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Port Print Facility - V1.2 <../freeware/vms/> A "_must have_" for telecommuters! This is a BASIC program and supporting DCL code that provides the ability to "queue up" files for printing via a printer attached to your printer port on a VT terminal, or via your PC printer if you're running a terminal emulation program. Provided in source and object form with a LINK.COM procedure so you won't need a BASIC compiler, and you can link it directly on the target system. Both VAX and Alpha support is included. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Logical Disk Driver <../freeware/vms/> (VAX and Alpha) "READ ME" file - review this after downloading the software. (As of 18-Dec-1998, this file is hosed. Try this alternate link <../freeware/vms/ld062.txt> for now.) This is a "Logical Disk Driver" from Digital Equipment Corp. of the Netherlands. Use this to create container files and MOUNT them as logical disks. Includes an update to DCLTABLES and HELPLIB for the "LD" command (connect/disconnect container files and LDAu: devices). Especially useful for Digi International drivers for OpenVMS which are distributed by Digi as VMS-mountable diskette images. FTP the diskette image (as binary) from Digi's web site. COPY the diskette image file making the output file /CONTIGUOUS. Then, the diskette image file can be LD CONNECTed to an LDAu: device, the device can be MOUNTed, and the software kit (.PCSI file) can be extracted and/or COPY-ed to the target system. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Queue Utilities <../freeware/vms/> (VAX and Alpha) This is a pair of DCL procedures. REQUE.COM lets you SUBMIT a new version of a revised, timed-release batch job without the need to SHOW ENTRY/FULL, then retype the entire SUBMIT command. Great for folks who need DECscheduler, but can't afford CA's outrageous prices for PolyCenter products. RM_RET_ENT.COM lets you remove retained entries from a single queue, all PRINT queues, all batch ("SUBMIT") queues, all server queues or from all queues of any type. You can select retained jobs of a specific age or jobs of any age. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UCX LPD Startup <../freeware/vms/> (finish the job UCX$LPD_STARTUP began) (VAX and Alpha) This .ZIP archive contains a pair of DCL procedures... LPD_SYSTARTUP.COM helps you deal with applications that MUST write to a device, even if that device is /SPOOLED. For every remote printer queue defined in your UCX$PRINTCAP.DAT, the procedure will create a "dummy" LTA device and spool it through the queue defined. A system-wide logical will also be created so that you never need to know which LTA device is spooled through which queue. In your application, you simply refer to the logical name LPD$queue_name instead of the LTA device. See the README file for complete information. The UCX$PRINTCAP.DAT file becomes the central repository for information about UCX remote printer queues, rather than doing this "LAT" thing in one or more other DCL procedures at system start-up time. LPD_SYSHUTDWN.COM will perform a STOP/RESET on each queue for every remote printer queue defined in your UCX$PRINTCAP.DAT. It then sets the LTA device for that queue /NOSPOOLED. Note that reverse-TELNET queues are not supported (UCX limitation). However, this technique is also useful for your UCX$TELNETSYM queues.Simply set up a "dummy" LTA device, and SET it /SPOOLED through a UCX$TELNETSYM queue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Print Queue Set-UP (VAX and Alpha) Watch this page for a set of DCL procedures that make system startup time set-up of your UCX$TELNETSYM, LATSYM, PRTSYM and other queues as simple as a one-line entry in a file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DOS Commands for OpenVMS <../freeware/vms/> (VAX and Alpha) This .ZIP archive contains DCL procedures that provide some DOS-like and/or UNIX-like functionality for your OpenVMS System(s). CD.COM provides a "CD" command (or "CHDIR", your choice). It accepts OpenVMS format ([dir_spec]), DOS format (\dir_spec) or UN*X format (/dir_spec). With no "dir_spec" parameter, if displays your current default (the DOS behavior - UN*X would return you to your login directory). FSZ.COM includes only the "display file size in bytes" functionality. It uses the same algorithm as PCDIR.COM. GREP.COM provides a "global search and replace" capability. It accepts all filespec.'s, including wildcarded specifications. PCDIR.COM displays a directory listing in DOS format, listing both the "8.3" form and the "long name". Files sizes are displayed in bytes (estimated based on the number blocks used (not the number of blocks allocated)). Disk space remaining is displayed in bytes. For filespec.'s with a wildcarded path, each directory is sub-totaled for number files and bytes, and a total count of directories, files and bytes is displayed at the end of the listing. However, no "switches" (command options) are supported. We're also considering doing a "UXDIR.COM" to display directory listings in UN*X "ls -l" format, with file protections ("modes"), sizes and dates in UN*X format ("links" or "file aliases" are difficult to detect in DCL). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDUSER Procedure <../freeware/vms/> (VAX and Alpha) This .ZIP archive contains a better ADDUSER.COM than the one you get with OpenVMS from Digital. This version does a better job of providing default UICs, login device and directory, and login command procedure (LGICMD) because it allows you to select a template record other than DEFAULT. It uses the UIC group from the template record and offers that as the default UIC group for the new user record; it then finds the next unused user number within that UIC group (both group and user are converted to octal for you). Note: If your application allows more than one user to have the same UIC, you are better off using the ADDUSER.COM from Digital. Some poorly written (or poorly ported) applications even require all users to have the same UIC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Daily/Weekly/Month/Yearly Batch Job Driver <../freeware/vms/> (VAX and Alpha) This .ZIP archive contains a DCL procedure for running your scheduled batch jobs. It supports nightly, weekly, monthly and yearly jobs, as well as jobs that run on certain dates (MM/DD) and on certain days every month (but does NOT solve the "last day every month" problem). This procedure lets you make changes to your scheduled batch jobs without the need to delete an entry and reSUBMIT it to make the changes take effect. It also fills in part of the gap for users who could benefit from DECscheduler, but can't justify the cost. Here's a hint for the "last day every month" problem: Set up 12 "yearly" jobs, one for the last day of every month. For example, under the [DAILY] directory, put jobs in [.0131], [.0228] (see the following for leap years), [.0331], [.0430], etc. In each directory, make a .COM file that invokes your "last day every month" procedure. That's where you could detect leap year and defer processing to the jobs in [.0229] when the current year is a leap year. The job in [.0229] should do nothing except in a leap year. Easier still - just test to see if "TOMORROW" is the first of the month! (IF F$CVTIME( "TOMORROW",,"DAY") .EQ. 1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Free Disk Space Display <../freeware/vms/> (VAX and Alpha) This .ZIP archive contains a DCL procedure that shows each disk volume mounted, the media name reported to OpenVMS, the error count, the total number of blocks, the free blocks and the percentage of the disk that's free. At the bottom is a total of disk space and free space stated in MB, as well as a count of the disk volumes mounted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Moving System Roots, Consolidating System Disks <../freeware/vms/> (VAX and Alpha) This .ZIP archive contains DCL procedures for saving a system root ([SYSx]) directory tree, WITHOUT also copying the [.SYSCOMMON] ([VMS$COMMON]) tree. This is useful for consolidating multiple system disks to a single common system disk. You can, for example, save the [SYS0] root of one system disk and restore it as [SYS0], [SYS1], etc. on another system disk. You should exercise EXTREME CAUTION with these procedures! Make VERY CERTAIN that you have a good backup of the source and target disks before using these procedures! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Split and Re-join .ZIP Archives <../freeware/vms/> (VAX and Alpha) This .ZIP archive contains a pair of DCL procedures for breaking large .ZIP archives up into smaller pieces (1.2 MB each, fit nicely on HD diskettes) and joining the pieces back together. These DCL procedures can be used for ANY large Fixed-512 files, such as text libraries, object libraries, etc.; however, they were originally intended for .ZIP files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DJE Systems Links: Stand-alone Backup for DOS <../dos/stabakit.html> FreeBSD <../freebsd/> Networking <../net.html> Paperless Office Disaster Recovery <../dr.html> Timesharing Multi-Company Our Resume <../resume.html> The SYS$COMMAND BBS <../bbs.html> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Home Page <../../index.html> Operating Systems <../../opsys.html> Products <../../products.html> Specialties <../../spcialty.html>Freeware <../../freeware/index.html> FreeVMS Page <../freevms/index.html> Bulletin Board <../../bbs/index.html> Contact Us <../../contact.html> About Us <../../about.html> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tradenames, trademarks, service marks, etc. appearing on this page are the property of their registered owners. "DJE Systems" is a service mark of David J. Dachtera, doing business as DJE Systems. This page Copyright ©1998, 1999 by David J. Dachtera, All Rights Reserved.