*_/REGEDIT 1.1/_* * FREEWARE_README * REGEDIT,Utility, A program to look at or modify the registry database Regedit is a program to look at or modify the registryserver database. It is a full screen (SMG) program and looks like the (MS-)Windows regedit. If you use the DecWindows environment, you can use mouse-clicks, otherwise you must use keyboard-keys. Because the registry-server exists only on alpha and IA64, there is no VAX version. Usage: Run regedit Once in the program you can use PF2/HELP for help info F10 or ^z will return you to DCL. If you have a Decwindows/VXT display, you can use the mouse, otherwise you must use the keyboard. Building The Alpha and IA64 executables are in the kit, but if you want to rebuild REGEDIT, go to the regedit directory and use @create_regedit Contents: Ths package contains the following files In the home directory REGEDIT_ALPHA.EXE The executable REGEDIT_IA64.EXE The executable CREATE_REGEDIT.COM The command file to compile/link FREEWARE_README.TXT This file In the [.SRC] directory REGEDIT.FOR The Fortran source REGEDIT.INC The include file In the [.ALPHA] directory REGEDIT.OBJ The Alpha object In the [.IA64] directory REGEDIT.OBJ The IA64 object There is no VAX equivalent, since the registry server only runs on Alpha and IA64. Instructions: Unpack the save set. If you want to rebuild: If you have a fortran compiler @CREATE_REGEDIT Else to link only @CREATE_REGEDIT LINK On oooovms.dyndns.org is a link to the most recent version. Author : Fekko Stubbe Email : regeditdev@oooovms.dyndns.org * RELEASE_NOTES * 010 1-may-2003 Initial release 011 1-sep-2004 Include support for IA64 _*Use it at your own risk, because we cannot take responsibility for crashes, dumps or even worse: loosing data.*_ Here is the regedit011 package ( 297kB zip file) . Please give your feedback to regeditdev@oooovms.dyndns.org. Index <../> Klein 'Powered by Apache' Logotje