Steganography : Ideas for New Software ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A WORK IN PROGRESS : Please keep checking back ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-Bit Images Assume a palette-mapped image with 256 entries in the palette. First construct a bijection f (with inverse f') from {0,1,..,255} to the 256 (R,G,B)-triples. Typically, this would be done by sorting the entries, using the red, green, and blue components as primary, secondary, and tertiary sort-keys. Now construct a second bijection g (with inverse g') from {0,1,..,256!-1} to the set of permutations of {0,1,..,255}. The message can be considered as a single very large number m, with a length header prefixed to differentiate between the one- two- and three-byte messages (0), (0,0), (0,0,0), ... If g(m)=(n0, n1, ..., n255), rearrange the image palette so that the i-th palette entry P(i)=f(ni). As both f and g are bijections, the procedure is reversible, and the message m safely extracted. Comments : * log(256!)/log(256) is 210.5. So we can inject up to 210 bytes in this way (a 209-byte message if a one-byte header is used for its length). * We can trivially generalise the procedure any palette size x, and for x in [60,256], log(x!)/log(256)~=0.9x-23. * The image is not degraded at all - the palette is simply sorted differently. * For most compressed formats (such as GIF), the compressed size should remain constant. * The only requirement is that the image contain each palette entry at least once (so as not to arouse suspicion.) It is thus possible to inject a 209-byte message into a 256-pixel image! * The fact that the palette will appear to be in a random order should not arouse suspicion as many common tools, such as djpeg -gif and ppmtogif, also do this. However, note that unsorted greyscale palettes are much rarer. (TO DO : Investigate how the apparently random palette-order of these programs is generated. Is it, as I suspect, the order that they occur within the image?) Unfortunately, construction of g is non-trivial. The algorithm that I have developed follows, but I am unsatisfied that this is particularly efficient... 1. Build a 256-element array A such that A[i]=i. 2. For n := 2 to 256 1. Circular shift right the first n elements of A by m mod n. 2. m := m / n. 3. The output of g is A[0], A[1], .., A[255]. Proof that g is a bijection by induction. CONCLUSION : This is too good to be true. Where'd I go wrong? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Tinsley