Some problems with the File Transfer Protocol, a failure of common implementations, and suggestions for repair. By David Sacerdote ( April, 1996) FTP servers can operate in two modes: active and passive. In active mode, when data is transferred, the client listens on a TCP port, tells the server which port it is listening on, and then the server opens a TCP connection from port 20 to the specified port on the client. Data is then transferred over this connection. In passive mode, the client tells the server that it is ready for data transfer, the server listens on an unprivileged TCP port, and tells the client which port. The client then opens a tcp connection to the specified port on the server, and data is exchanged over this connection. The problem with these auxiliary connections is that the existing FTP protocol lacks any method of assuring that the client or server which initiates the connection is really the one attached to the associated control connection. This, combined with the fact that most operating systems allocate tcp ports in increasing order, means that the ftp protocol has an inherent race condition, which allows an attacker to either obtain data which somebody else is transferring, or to replace that data with their own. These attacks take slightly different forms in active mode and passive mode. When the data transfers are done in active mode, the attacker guesses the number of the TCP port where the target client will be doing a listen. He or she then repeatedly sends the ftp server to which the client is connected the commands PORT ip,of,client,machine,port,port RETR filename or STOR filename. Using RETR if he wishes to replace data transmitted to the client, and STOR if he is trying to intercept data the client would send to the server. Alternatively, the attacker could use known TCP sequence number prediction attacks, and spoof a connection from the server to the client. However, while using this type of attack, it is not possible to intercept transferred data; merely replace it with your own. In poor FTP client implementations, the client might not validate the source port and ip address of the server, making a sequencing attack unnecessary, however, the 4.2BSD ftp client does do this validation, meaning that most ftp clients out there probably do as well. In passive mode, matters are slightly different however. Neither the Solaris 2.5 (SVR4) ftp server, nor wu-ftpd, common starting points for writing FTP servers, bother checking the ip address of the secondary tcp connections initiated by the client. This means that not only are passive mode transfers vulnerable to attacks analogous to the ones for active mode, involving either some kind of access to the client, or a sequencing attack, but a mere TCP connection from anywhere on the network is sufficient to intercept or replace data transferred. To exploit this implementation problem, an attacker would merely guess the TCP port which the server will next listen on, and bombard it with connection attempts. If the server was then attempting to send data to the client, it will be sent to the attacker. Otherwise, the attacker can send data to the server, replacing data which the client would have been sending to the server. Unfortunately, having FTP servers operating in passive mode check the source IP address of the incoming connection to see if it matches the IP address associated with the control connection is neither practical nor solves the problem. Seeing that the existing protocol is exceedingly vulnerable to both data corruption and interception by an attacker who does not have control over the network across which the session is maintained, it is necessary to extend the protocol so as to prevent these attacks. One method of doing this would be to have both client and server establish a data connection, and then, before transmitting anything over it, send the ip addresses and port numbers they see as associated with the data connection across the control connection. Since the establishment of another connection by an attacker would prevent either the client or the server from establishing a connection, this would effectively block such attacks. Furthermore, since the ip address is transmitted as well, this will not cause compatibility problems. There is however a performance price which will need to be paid, namely the amount of time required to transmit the ip address and port number information. However, even on the slower network connections in use today, namely SLIP and PPP connections, it should not be excessive. A second method of authenticating the data connections would be a cookie exchange, similar to the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 system used by X11. If the server and client pass large random numbers over the control channel, and then pass them over the data channels when established, thus establishing that the client and server on the data connection are the same as those on the control connection. The problem with this method is that the capacity for an attacker to intercept a cookie will mean that new cookies will need to be generated for each connection. In addition, generating large numbers of cryptographically secure pseudo-random numbers is likely to be a computationally expensive task. --------------------------------------------------------------------- (c) 1996, Secure Networks Inc.