Brian Schenkenberger's kernel submissions 1. SSINT - System service intercept template for Alpha VMS. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Copyright © 1992, 1994, 1996 by Brian Schenkenberger. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | | | | This software is provided "AS IS" and is supplied for informational purpose | | only. No warranty is expressed or implied and no liability can be accepted | | for any actions or circumstances incurred from the use of this software or | | from the information contained herein. The author makes no claim as to the | | suitablility or fitness of the software or information contain herein for a | | particular purpose. | | | | Permission is hereby granted *ONLY* for the "not-for-profit" redistribution | | of this software provided that ALL SOURCE and/or OBJECT CODE remains intact | | and ALL COPYRIGHT NOTICES remain intact from its original distribution. | | | |(!) NO TITLE TO AND/OR OWNERSHIP OF THIS SOFTWARE IS HEREBY TRANSFERRED. (!) | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Package name: SSINT (System Service INTercept) Version ident: V1.3%6.233 20-August-1996 Description: Demonstration of interception of system service routines on OpenVMS Alpha via a loadable executive image(execlet). Author's name: Brian Schenkenberger, VAXman Package Overview: ---------------- This package is comprised of a single loadable executive image(execlet) which demonstrates a method for intercepting a system service's service routine on OpenVMS Alpha. For demonstration purposes, this incarnation of SSINT intercepts two system services SYS$CREPRC and SYS$DELPRC. For each invocation of either of the intercepted system services, a message is output on the system console device to display the PID of the process invoking the service and the status of the call. This execlet is unique in that, it does not declare its initialization routines in the normal fashion using the INITIALIZATION_ROUTINE macro. Normally, an initialization routine would be declared using this macro which, in turn, builds the table of vectors of initialization routines. This table is then used by the INI$DOINIT routine in module SYS$DOINIT to call the execlet's initialization routines. Unfortunately, this is not an appropriate initialization senario in cases where an execlet is required to perform some function prior to default functions performed as a consequence of the INI$DOINIT routine. In this particular execlet, certain initialization functions need to be performed before the INI$DOINIT routine invokes the INI$SYSTEM_SERVICE procedure which, in turn, invokes the procedure EXE$CONNECT_SERVICES to define the replacement system service function. To accomplish the requirements discussed above, a local routine called SSINT$DOINIT, is established for this execlets transfer address; thus, causing the execlet loader to invoke IT for the initialization routine instead of the normal INI$DOINIT routine. After this initialization code is invoked, the INI$DOINIT routine must be invoked. Unfortunately, this routine is not defined globally to be called by another routine. Therefore, by playing a little "game" with the ordering of the initialization linkage, a symbol can be defined in the EXEC$INIT_LINKAGE psect to establish the location of the Procedure DeSCriptor (PDSC) of the INI$DOINIT routine. This is accomplished via the module SSDOINIHACK.MAR. The initialization routine in this execlet is used to obtain the PDSC address of the original service routine for the system service that is being intercepted. A change mode system service which changed mode is defined by a bound procedure value procedure descriptor. The address found at PDSC$Q_ENTRY in the system service's procedure descriptor is the address of the system service transfer vector code. For a change mode system service, this vector will contain the following code thread: SYS$_C+00: LDL R1,(SP) ; A03E0000 SYS$_C+04: BIS SP,R31,R28 ; 47DF041C SYS$_C+08: LDA R0,#X(R31) ; 201Fxxxx SYS$_C+0C: CHMx ; 0000008x (x: 2=E/3=K) * Note: The format of the system service transfer vector under OpenVMS Alpha version prior to V6.1 differ from the above and therefore, this execlet will not function without making necessary changes. The initialization code looks through the vector to determine the mode of the system service and the assigned change mode code of the system service. After obtaining these values, the address of the change mode dispatch vector is calculated and the service routine's PDSC address is stored for transfer to later in the intercept (replacement) system service routine. The dispatch table entry vector format is depicted below. +-----+-----+-----+-----+ | DISP_A_SERVICE_ROUTINE|:CMOD$AR__DISPATCH_VECTOR+10(16)*chm-code +-----+-----+-----+-----+ | DISP_A_ENTRY_POINT | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ | |FLAGS| +-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ The module SSINTLOADER.MAR can be used to dynamically load the execlet. This execlet could also be loaded during system initialization. To do this, define the execlet using the SYSMAN command: SYS_LOADABLE ADD. An execlet must reside in SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES to load it during system bootstrapping. After adding the execlet using SYSMAN, a DCL procedure called VMS$SYSTEM_IMAGES.COM located in SYS$UPDATE must be executed. Modification Information: V1.3%6.233 20-August-1996 ------------------------ This version of SSINT contains new code to support the interception of 64 bit system services and system services enhanced to permit passing of 64 bit addresses. This version defines the macro: $SETUP_CALLG_64 for creating a 64 bit argument list which can, subsequently, be passed to the built-in EVAX_CALLG_64 to invoke the original service routine. This 64 bit mechanism, available as of OpenVMS Alpha V7.0, may be used to intercept any change mode system service even though the service is not 64 bit enhanced. This version also changes the way in which the SSINI$DOINIT routine is invoked as the primary initialization routine. This version now elim- inates the ugly "%LINK-W-MULTFR, multiply defined transfer address..." when linking SSINTERCEPT.EXE. .END. 2. PRIMOGEN - Perform setups VERY early in VMS boot sequence This code starts code in the context of the SYSINIT process before STARTUP.COM gets going. It is subject to the following restrictions: ***************************************************************************** * Copyright ) 1996 Brian Schenkenberger and TMESIS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * * * * NO TITLE TO AND/OR OWNERSHIP OF THIS SOFTWARE IS HEREBY TRANSFERRED. ANY * * MODIFICATION WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER IS * * PROHIBITED. * * * * Any possession of, use of, copying of, distribution of, or disassembly of * * this software by Advanced Systems Concepts, Inc. of Hoboken, NJ, known as * * ASCI, or by its employees, agents, counsel, or shareholders is prohibited * * without prior written request to the copyright holder and a prior written * * authorization from the copyright holder. Any use of this software by any * * of the aforementioned entities will be construed as intentional copyright * * infringement without proof of receipt of a formal written authorization. * * * * The recipient of this software, by the action of installing the software, * * agrees to keep any copy of this software, either in memory or on tangible * * media, protected from view by Advanced Systems Concepts, Inc. of Hoboken, * * NJ or from view by any of its employees, agents, counsel or shareholders. * ***************************************************************************** (librarian's note: this happened because of some accusations that Brian was not in fact an expert in VMS internals and that he had gained such expertise from ASCI...accusations plainly shown to be false by his record of submissions to VAX PROFESSIONAL, these sig tapes, and various software archives. These submissions show further the truth of these matters. Brian gave explicit permission for the inclusion of Primogeniture on the sig tapes however.) 3. Discussions on RMS speedup (Librarian's note: I had suggested to Brian that his system service hook might be used as a general RMS speedup by setting the RAH/WBH bits to enable RMS readahead/writebehind in a process. Setting these should (per RMS developers, though not tested) be invisible to programs in all respects except their speed of execution. Not only is I/O done asynchronously using readahead, but the actual code path inside RMS is shorter if this is done.) Brian has left some notes on the scheme and some experiments he did.