First, a little clarification: I am not an expert on BECOME. The only portions of BECOME I know about are the bits given to me by the local system manager so that I could modify them for Alpha/VMS. I have no documentation for BECOME. Rumor has it the front end is supposed to be in Pascal. All I know is I was given FORTRAN code to drive it. In short, no I don't know enough about BECOME to repackage it for Alpha/VMS. At the request of a local Alpha/VMS system manager, I have taken a look at porting the ubiquitious BECOME utility to Alpha/VMS. It seems to work. Here is my version of BECOME_SUBROUTINES.MAR, modified for Alpha/VMS. The FORTRAN code seems to work as-is. You may also want to take look at BUILD_BECOME.COM, which contains the command lines to compile and link BECOME under Alpha/VMS. By request, here's the FORTRAN code. Since I've never actually used BECOME, I don't know what's shipped with it. I suppose I ought to FTP on over to someday and check it out (hey, I just dork with the VMS kernel; any administration I do is purely incidental). When you compile the MACRO code, you will see a couple of informational messages. They just tell you the MACRO compiler could not guarantee the alignment of the items in question and had to generate more code to access them. The warnings on the FORTRAN code are similar.