You Are Visitor: [Image] [Previous] [Next] [Table of Contents] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.1 What is CircleMUD? CircleMUD is a multi-user dungeon (M.U.D.) game system. It is a text based adventure game where instead of just playing with the computer, you can have multiple people playing at the same time and you can interact with them (and they with you). If you are familiar with the old ADVENTURE game for the DEC PDP systems or with the Zork adventure game, then you have an idea of the general principal. CircleMUD was written by Jeremy Elson and is a derivative of DikuMUD Gamma 0.0 which was written in 1990 at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen. CircleMUD was originally written for Unix systems, but as of late has been ported to other operating systems like Amiga, Mac System 7, Windows NT and Windows-95 and now to OpenVMS. I wrote the CircleMUD port to use the GNU C compiler and the SOCKETSHR libary with Matt Madison's NetLib support so that it would work on the widest possible selection OpenVMS platforms as the GNU C compiler is free and the NetLib library works with just about all OpenVMS TCP/IP stacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.2 What is the current version of CircleMUD? Currently the "offical" release of CircleMUD is v3.00 beta patch level 14. (Yes, the v3.00 code is declared BETA but seems stable enough) The OpenVMS port of CircleMUD was done using the CircleMUD v3.00 beta patch level 14 source code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.3 Where can I get it? The "offical" CircleMUD distribution source code site can be found at The "offical" CircleMUD distribution source code site for the OpenVMS port can be found at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.4 Where can I go for further information? The BEST site for more information on CircleMUD in general along with documentation and extra bits & pieces of code can be found at the CircleMud Home Page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.5 How do I subscribe to the CircleMUD Mailing Lists? All the information you could ever waht to know about the CircleMUD mailing list can be found at the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ. Please note that the OpenVMS port was not done by these people so they may not be able to help you with any OpenVMS specific problems. They will be able to help you out with general CircleMUD problems or any problems you suspect is in the base CircleMUD code tree. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.6 How do I submit patches or bug reports? If you detect a bug in the copile/link scripts, or make some improvements or have any comments on the OpenVMS code, send an e-mail to Robert Alan Byer. I will try to answer any and all questions and problems, but I can't make any guarantes and will try to the best of my ability. If you detect a bug or a problem that you think is related to the base CircleMUD code, send an e-mail to Jeremy Elson ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Previous] [Next] [Table of Contents]