This is a build of 1.9.19 pre-alpha. It was originally ported to VMS/Alpha by David Mathog, and adapted to CMU-IP by John Malmberg. Since this is based on PRE-RELEASE code, there are probably BUGS in it. Not all source code provided is used, and the unused stuff may not compile. Before reporting a bug, check the current SAMBA release to see if the bug has been fixed. It's use is mainly for educational use. As far as the VMS port is concerned, the same modifications will work. The VMS modifications that I have done so far, mainly the long file name and the deep directory support, can probably be pasted into the current supported VMS release. NMBD can not run due to a limitation in CMU-IP. I think I know where the fix is, but I am unsure if it was fixed in the "k" patches. Unfortunately I can not apply the "k" patches as they are executables that require a later version of VMS than 5.5-2. They were not supplied with source. I am converting from CMU-IP to UCX from the HOBBY license. So I will not be able to test anymore CMU-IP specific stuff from this point on. Good luck, and Have fun. E-Mail: WB8TYW @ QSL.NET. Note: If you do not put your E-MAIL address in your E-MAIL message, do not expect any response. The E-Mail system that is relaying your message for me may not give me a correct return address in the from: field. This is especially true if you have an anti-spam address. Incomming E-Mail is assigned a temporary alias of unknown life time. Some times as little as 12 hours. This alias is all that I see in the from field.