New Features - V19-03A The recalculation has added 2 new modes in V19-03, Recalculate Incremental (the initial default), and Recalculate Entry. The R command re-establishes the old default mode which recalculates ALL formulas on the whole sheet for every entry of new material. The RI command sets Recalc Incremental mode which recomputes the number entered and all cells on the display screen, but skips non-displayed cells. The RE command sets Recalc Entry mode which ONLY recomputes the newly entered formula, leaving the rest alone. The RR command is equivalent to RF (Recalculate, FORCE recomputation of constants), EXCEPT that it leaves the mode alone so if AnalytiCalc is in RI or RE mode, it stays that way. Note a full recalculation is done after Get commands (loading saved sheets) regardless of mode. The command .. (two periods at the start of a line) in a command file closes the command file and returns to the console. This has not previously been documented though the function has been present for some time. It is recommended that RE mode be used instead of RM mode (which completely disables recalculation) during data entry if other modes are too slow.