Included below are (very) brief descriptions of the EXECSYMB queue processor command procedure files in this directory -- the purpose of each procedure, and the queue setup (/SEPARATE=RESET string) for each. Please note that there are *many* dependencies on our local VMS environment present in most of these files! Some of these were also written a long time ago, when I knew a lot less about VMS and DCL, and when earlier versions of VMS, EXECSYMB and other software may have required contortions that are no longer needed. Absolutely no guarantees are made about any of this software! If you think you want to use one of these, and you run into an absolute dead end in figuring out what it does or how it does it, you can try to contact me ( and I might be able to find some spare time to help -- but no promises. John Osudar ADDSETUP.COM Purpose: example of how to use EXECSYMB to add a setup module to a job and requeue the job to another queue Queue setup: (see .COM file comments) ANJE_TO_SMTP_MAILER.COM Purpose: forwards electronic mail sent to non-Bitnet addresses with the ANJE mailer (ANJE = Argonne NJE, our software for connecting VAXes to Bitnet) to a designated mailer for delivery Queue setup: ITEMS=22,56,SPOOL=[spool] BATCH_LOGGER.COM Purpose: (part of a batch job submission package); mails batch job log file to submitting user; for "system" users, runs log through filter that extracts VMS error messages and only mails them Queue setup: ITEMS=22,25,55,56,SPOOL=[spool] BGL_SETUP.COM Purpose: similar to ADDSETUP.COM. This is a real example of using a set of generic queues to feed into a single EXECSYMB queue, which uses the original queue name to determine which of several possible setup modules to specify for the job. The ultimate target is a PostScript printer (a BGL Mark I-T) that supports several emulations, and is not driven by a PS symbiont. Queue setup: TIME="0 :1",ITEMS=11,15,44 CNV_ANSI_PS.COM Purpose: a crude and simple text-to-PostScript converter queue using the CONVERT/DOCUMENT command (for a PS printer that's not driven by a PS-oriented symbiont) Queue setup: ITEMS=11,13,22,43,55,56,SPOOL=[spool] COPYFILE.COM Purpose: a simple example: all files "printed" to this queue are simply copied into a pre-specified directory; also handles spool files Queue setup: ITEMS=22,SPOOL=[spool] DSF_MAIL.COM Purpose: part of an old store/forward DECnet mailer; handles mail forwarding and delivery Queue setup: TIME="0 :5",ITEMS=22,34:41,53,56,USER=DSF_MAILER DVI_POST.COM Purpose: drives the postprocessing of TeX/LaTeX DVI files using a variety of DVI-to-xxx converters. (The user interface to this is a modified PRINT command with a /DVI qualifier and several "renamed" standard qualifiers for specifying processing options.) This is a very complex queue processing procedure! Queue setup: ITEMS=11,13,15,22,23,25,34:42,55,56,NONULL,COPY=LAST, USER=POST_PROCESS M11SLIDES.COM Purpose: processor for queue that accepts PostScript files, dumps them into a specific directory, and forwards the filename, username and account by MAIL to someone who processes the files into color slides Queue setup: ITEMS=2,22,56 MAILMAN_PROC.COM Purpose: part of our local modification to Ned Freed's DELIVER package (which we call MAILMAN); uses information supplied by the foreign mail delivery software (via a parameters file and PARAMETER_1) to execute delivery options specified by user's MAIL.DELIVERY file Queue setup: ITEMS=22,34,56 MFELPDPOST.COM Purpose: receives files (from NERSC Cray systems, in this case) via MultiNet LPD server, and routes them to any of a variety of targets, based upon a routing parameter specified by the user on the original "lpr" command. Queue setup: TIME="7305 ",ITEMS=11,22,32,34,35,56 Notes: The TIME="7305 " has the effect of holding a failed job for exactly 20 years, which is a trick to enable recording the exact date/time when the job failure occurred. MSAPSMB_SETUP.COM Purpose: Used with PATHWORKS for Mac software; provides means for using generic queues to feed into MSAP$SYMBIONT-driven printers, with queue-based specification of setup modules, parameters and other job qualifiers. Queue setup: TIME="0 :1",ITEMS=11,25,34:41,44,56,SPOOL=[spool],NONULL,INIT Notes: Illustrates the use of the INIT parameter to enable sending some special status information (queue handles all forms) to the job controller at queue startup time. MSDSOUT.COM Purpose: A subterfuge for grabbing output from a public PC (specifically one running the Sigma-Aldrich Material Safety Data Sheet software, which thinks it's talking to an IBM Proprinter), reformatting for another printer, and printing under a registered VMS username Queue setup: ITEMS=22,25,32,56 NJEPRINT.COM Purpose: Forward queued jobs via NJE to a queue-specific Bitnet destination (e.g. a printer on an IBM mainframe) Queue setup: ITEMS=15,22,55,56,SPOOL=[spool] Notes: Specify /ON=localnode::"userid@nodename" to set destination NOTES_POSTER.COM Purpose: Working in conjunction with MAILMAN (as in MAILMAN_PROC.COM above), takes mail messages received from network mailing lists (e.g. INFO-VAX) and posts them to VAX NOTES conferences. Queue setup: ITEMS=22,34:38,USER=LISTREADER PRINT_SETUP.COM Purpose: Real-life version of generic change-setup-and-requeue procedure handles up to eight generic queue inputs which determine how to modify job qualifiers & into which target queue to requeue job. Queue setup: TIME="0 :1",ITEMS=11,15,44,SPOOL=[spool] REMOTEJOB.COM Purpose: Uses DECnet COPY and SUBMIT/REMOTE capabilities to print a local file on SYS$PRINT on a specific remote DECnet node Queue setup: TIME="0 :5",ITEMS=13,15,16,22,23,27,34,56,SPOOL=[spool],PRINT, NONULL,COPY=LAST Notes: Device name (in /ON= qualifier) should be "remotenode::", e.g. if EXECSYMB queue runs on FOO:: and prints on SYS$PRINT on node BAR::, queue should specify /ON=FOO::BAR:: SMTP_MX_PREPROC.COM Purpose: Queue-based alternative for processing mail (received via MultiNet SMTP server) addressed to a domain, pseudo-nodename, or other destination targeted by nameserver MX records. Queue setup: ITEMS=11,22 VERSAPLOT_POST.COM Purpose: Another example of a queue-based file postprocessor (in this case, one that handles graphics metafiles or raster files as input, and produces Versatec compressed raster output files) Queue setup: ITEMS=13,15,16,22,23,27,34,42,55,56,SPOOL=[spool]